Wednesday, 26 March 2014

A close friend of mine recently got in trouble after too many drinks at a bar. He was arrested for public intoxication , disorderly conduct,...


A close friend of mine recently got in trouble after too many drinks at a bar. He was arrested for public intoxication , disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest and 3 rd degree assult on a police officer. He was already on probation for a trafficking chargr(2 years) and is almost done with his probation and has done very well to stay out of trouble until now. I know it is not looking good for him and will probably get his probation revoked, but do you have any legal advice to give. He is a truly a good person and just have made some bad choices . Can you tell me what you think will happen punishment wise? Thank you.


He's almost assuredly getting revoked in such circumstances. When he's out of jail, you can help him by encouraging him to get inpatient treatment for substance abuse. He may be a "good person," but he's definitely not showing he's a good person when he's using drugs and alcohol. Otherwise, the next time, and there will be a next time, he might do something that will have much more dire consequences.

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