Tuesday, 28 January 2014

Lost job, which led to missed payments. Bank foreclosing on home in 10 days. Have gone through many attempts at modifying note, to no avail....


Lost job, which led to missed payments. Bank foreclosing on home in 10 days. Have gone through many attempts at modifying note, to no avail. Purchased home March 3rd, 2007. Because I owe way more than home is worth (approx home value 265k....currently owe 320k) I believe it will be bought by bank. Either way, once it's auctioned, (((exactly how much time before we absolutely need to vacate))).

We have another home to move into. However won't become available until April first. Plus I have a 12 and 15 year old that would need to change schools. So, the longer the process were to take, the more benefit for us to relocate. Do I have any options to delay eviction?


You can file for bankruptcy, or you can see if the bank will agree to stall the proceedings if you can find someone to buy the house on a short sale.

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