Saturday, 26 April 2014

I have been living with a roommate in Miami beach for two and half years with a month to month lease. My roommate is telling me to leave and...


I have been living with a roommate in Miami beach for two and half years with a month to month lease. My roommate is telling me to leave and has shown me a new lease she has supposedly signed with the owner and telling me to be out August 31st!!! I have never received anything from the thirty day notice eviction notice. Can this possible be legal?


15 day written notice from whomever your agreement was with, is sufficient to end a month to month tenancy.


Termination of the lease requires that it be in writing. If you dont leave after the lease ends, you can be evicted then. Remember the fact that the law protects you does not mean your "roommate" and the real tenant wont lock you out or do something precipitous and you should prepare yourself for that.

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