I am a co-owner on savings bonds. The principal co-owner is 94 years old, incapacitated and living in an assisted living home. My cousin is the power of attorney. Her husband filled out a form for lost savings bonds, she signed it and sent the form to me to take to the bank and have certified. The form states that the check for the bonds will be made out to my cousin and sent to her home. Her husband told me that he would send me a check for $10,000. On the form it lists me as co-owner on 2 bonds that total $6,000. What if there is another page with more bonds? My question is should I sign this? or wait until she dies. I do need the money as I am retired and only living on social security.
Thank You,
Get it in writing, and ask to see the entire form. Also, if the bonds were in joint names, I would think the check would be made out to both owners, not just one.
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