Saturday, 27 September 2014

How and where can I legally hand out flyersmenus for the pizza place I work at. It is a small locally owned restaurant in Kissimmee Florida...


How and where can I legally hand out flyersmenus for the pizza place I work at. It is a small locally owned restaurant in Kissimmee Florida, we are licensed and insured. There is a history of scam companies stealing credit card numbers and solicitors breaking into hotel rooms and guest's vehicles which has lead to strict enforcement of illegal solicitation. I want to help my employer survive and grow but these unlicensed companies and their crook employees have made it very hard to use this effective and almost necessary method of advertising. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


The simple answer is on any private property where you have permission from the owner of the property. With regard to public land you should be mindful of any local ordinances related to solicitation and panhandling, or any other city ordinances.

If you are trying to pass them out at hotels the best thing would be to talk to the management of the hotel. They may allow you to leave flyers in the lobby or give them out when customers check in. Just a thought.

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