Thursday, 25 September 2014

Small business owner. Found out today that my merchant service credit card processor has mistakenly charged me $15 each business close (inst...


Small business owner. Found out today that my merchant service credit card processor has mistakenly charged me $15 each business close (instead of 15 cents) for a batch fee since the day we opened 28 months ago. I have asked for rate and fee reviews in the past and even had a representative from the processing company in to audit my statements 14 months ago because I felt fees were too high but nobody noticed/figured out the error. I called to cancel today because other companies quoted me much reduced fees. It was the "customer retention specialist" that FINALLY caught the error from when the acct was opened. Calculates out to about $10,000 in excess fee charge. They are offering me $2000 ( six months). I did sign the 7- page agreement that has 15 buried in a box for "other fees" when it should have been keyed .15. What can I do? Thanks


I would love to speak to you about this. That's ridiculous. You are owed everything plus. Call me at (313)402-0853 to discuss. Thx

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