Saturday, 27 September 2014

My father forced me to take out a student loan a few years back (30,000.00) He told me it would help me pay off my school, get a car and the...


My father forced me to take out a student loan a few years back (30,000.00) He told me it would help me pay off my school, get a car and the remainder would help his business. The check arrived and he cashed it, enjoyed the money and turn his back on me and the rest of the family. I still do not have a car and I recently graduated but can't enjoy that much because I will not receive my diploma until I pay FIU what I owe them. The loan company told me that the only way to get my name off this loan is if he applies for a consolidation loan. What if he refuses? Where does that leave me? How else can I free myself from this mess?


If you can prove your claim and he has assets to collect from a lawsuit may be your answer.


YOu should have done something back then. However, take him to court and sue him for the money.

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