My husband divorced me after 13 years of togetherness, 10 years of legal marriage. I was in the midst of crippling depression and when I got the divorce papers, I didnt get off my sofa for more than 3 weeks, yet I only had 30 days to give my signiture or he said i would get nothing at all. He was a CWO5 in the navy, 32 yrs service, he currently makes 160K a year and he gives me 700 a month ending January 2013. He told me he would give me retirement, but didnt want it in the paperwork, he has not complied with what he agreed to that WAS in the paperwork, and there is a camero that had my name on it, that has been paid off and I have asked him repeatedly about getting my name off the title and he will not respond at all which ;leads me to think he has sold the car illegally or something to that effect. He married a woman a month after our divorce with my same name, and i think she may have signed my name to assist, I am trying to find out if he is still owner. My question is this...with me being in such bad mental health, even my doctor told me i has no business signing any papers at all, and I got screwed, now I need to take him to court to get what is legally mine....a percentage of his military retirement pay...and extended and raised allimony since he never wanted me to work, yet expects me to be able to support myself now....I have diligently looked for work and I can not find a job, me and my 3 year old have been evicted twice since the divorce and the 3rd time is coming soon...I have to steal toilet paper from mcdonalds, please tell me i can take him to court and give him everything he deserves...he has left me indigent ..oh, and i also just found out that he has me 18K in debt with the IRS, yet I was not living with him during the tax periods....i cant afford a lawyer, me, please....
Contact Utah Legal Services in Salt Lake City and see if they can be of assistance.
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