Friday, 19 September 2014

A police officer put on the police report to why he pulled me over was for a tail light but all my taillights were working an all my brake l...


A police officer put on the police report to why he pulled me over was for a tail light but all my taillights were working an all my brake lights where working what he was looking at was a third brake light I'n the middle of the car an the red plastic reflector was slanted off but the light still working an he considered that a broken tail light . I'm now going to suppress the stop by saying all my tailights where working at the time, can the police officer/ state say he ment the brake light reflector was off an not the tail light after he already said he pulled me over for a taillight?


It sounds like you have good grounds for a motion to suppress. It also sounds like you need to talk to your attorney about this motion to suppress that you say are going for. An attorney on here can't give advice if you already represented. If, on the other hand, you are filing the motion yourself, then you need to talk to an attorney immediately.

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