Monday, 22 September 2014

Can a board of directors for condo complex receive an undisclose cash payment by a vendor and not tell other condo how much they received, a...


Can a board of directors for condo complex receive an undisclose cash payment by a vendor and not tell other condo how much they received, also a contract with a family member is considered conflict of interest. One board member also sign a contract stating that she was the sole owner of 129 condos and refuse to give each condo owner a copy of the contract. Is this legal? If not what are the condo's owner action that they can take against the board of directors. By the way the board of directors are suppose to elected by the owners 3of the 4 board members were not elected.


The association agreement's language will control. You may have an action against the board but you need to bring all the documents to an attorney for review.


As a condo unit owner, you have the right to see their books and contracts whenever you want.

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