Thursday, 18 September 2014

Hi,its time to renew my lease and my landlord does not want to fix the Refrigerator and change crack window, etc.. she made another contract...



its time to renew my lease and my landlord does not want to fix the Refrigerator and change crack window, etc.. she made another contract saying, Rent as it is. I don't agree with that. I'm a great tenant that pay rent on time every month. She aspect me to bring lease sign today, what should I do!! I just settle and i'm not ready to move to another place, as a single mom i'm very tired to deal with this again.. Thanks

[email protected]/* */


You don't have to agree and the landlord does not have to rent to you. The lease is up to negotiation. Put in what you want if the landlord wont agree, you will need to find another place. That is the legal end of this. The emotional end or lack of desire to move is up to you.


If you do not sign or leave you may be considered a Holdover, responsible for triple rent. Move out.

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