Monday, 26 May 2014

What was the first internal combustion engine used for and how did it work?

What was the first internal combustion engine used for and how did it work?
Essentially the first internal combustion engine was invented in the late 1600's (the specific year is unknown) by the English inventor Sir Samuel Morland. The engine ran on gun powder and was used mostly for pumping water.

In 1860 the Belgium inventor, Lenoir, designed an engine that some consider the first Internal Combustion Engine, because it ran on a mixture of air and coal dust and was ignited by an electrical spark. In 1863, the engine was revised to include a carburettor and burn liquid petroleum gas. The engine was use to move a three wheeled cart, but most commonly it was used as a stationary power plant for printing presses, water pumps, and machine tools.

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