What will happen at the Child Support Contempt hearing? My child's father has never paid the full amount he was ordered to, most payments weren't even half of the ordered amount, and he has missed the last 14 payments altogether. The money was being taken straight from his paycheck and I know he is still working but has probably switched jobs to keep from paying. He has also, in the past 3 months had a drug possession charge and gotten pulled over for driving on a suspended license. If he shows up to the hearing, will he have to pay all the missed payments in a lump sum and go to jail if he doesn't, or will he be given additional time to pay off the missed payments?
He has to show up otherwise a warrant will be issued for his arrest. If he shows up he also could go to jail. He needs an attorney to help him get out of this situation. Contact my office for free consultation. 727-446-7659.
It will be a decision the judge will make. If he has missed the payments and he has an income deduction order and did not forward to the new employer - that could be one problem as he is required to do so. If he has no reason for paying - another problem that will need to be addressed. Arrearage is based on a percentage of his income - it will be added to the child support payment until it is paid in full.
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