How do you sign over parental rights and do you still have to pay child support because the mother don't want you in child life and you pay child support and plus send mother money on side cause she say she need stuff for chold but if you don't the mother wont let you talk to child
You can not sign away parental rights sua sponte or on your own motion. The mother would need to seek to have your parental rights terminated. If that happens - you can agree to it or fight it. If your rights are terminated you do not have to pay child support. However, if your concern is that you are paying child support and the mother will not let you see the child without you kicking in a little extra cash - then you should consider going to court to force her to provide you reasonable visitation (assuming you are a suitable person to have visitation). From your description she is basically using the child to extort additional money from you.
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