Tuesday, 28 April 2015

My ex husband is refusing to provide documentation supporting what is actual annual income is -- his w2 also includes his bonus. I have aske...


My ex husband is refusing to provide documentation supporting what is actual annual income is -- his w2 also includes his bonus. I have asked him at least 20 times to provide the check stub from his bonus so that I can see what is actually salary is. He has given me the court ordered % of his bonus every year (divorced in 2006) but no documentation -ever - he just hands me a check and says that is my portion. Child support is based on his salary which according to him has not gone up in 5 years (since he started). His W2 shows his salary over $35k more than what base salary that support is taken from - yet he refuses to show any documentation supporting that his bonus was that much.......I want to verify that child support is being taken from his correct, current salary -- Thoughts????


Does you judgment for dissolution call for him to turn over relevant financial information each year? That may be the key.


Unless your judgment provides that he has to turn over the information you are requesting, the only way you can obtain the information is by filing a Petition with the Court seeking an increase based upon your belief that his income has gone up and his refusal to turn over the requested information.

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