My husband cosigned a student loan for her sister 5 years ago. And now he is not aware that her sister is has delinquency of payment and ending up he fully paid the remaining amount of the loan. but the loan company didn't take off his name after "paying off loan' and now he can't get accepted in his auto loan because it showing his credit score got affected to that student loan. My other concern too, when they sending notices of due date for that loan my husband can't able to see that letters because he is deployed in Iraq. Now we are the one who's having a hard time to get better rate for our auto loan. by the way last year his credit score is about 700+.
He must write a letter,certified mail, to the credit agency disputing the delinquency.
Go to my website, and look under sample forms. Under sample form, see a letter to send to the credit bureaus disputing the debt to erase the bad mark on your husband's credit report. You must follow the instructions strictly. Moreover, you must provide evidence that you have paid off the loan. More likely than not, the credit bureaus will still refuse to take off the bad credit and you will have to write a second letter. Do the same type of letter and follow the same instructions. If they fail to take off the bad mark after the second letter, you can contact me for assistance. I handled these types of cases and do not charge the clients an attorneys fee if they have an improper mark on their credit. Good luck!
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