I just started a child support case, my daughters father hasn't paid not a dime lately for her. He has paid the max amount of 50$ since shes been here and shes 2. He doesn't attempt to do anything for her. He claims to not want kids but he went and ot another female pregnant about a year after my daughter was born. He doesn't take care of that child either. Im trying to figure out if, we where to get him to sign over his rights (said a couple times he wants to out of anger) Will he still somehow be responsible for paying child support???
He cannot give up his obligation to support, except where another man is adopting the girl. So, about the only thing he could give up is his visiting rights.
Good luck
If by "sign over his rights" you mean terminate his parental rights, this would mean that he would no longer be the legal father and would have no further rights to custody and no obligation to support. However, judge's in Missouri would not bastardize a child leaving the child with no legal father and so there would have to be another man willing to step up and adopt at the same time. Is there a current order for child support? Is there a current order for custody? If not, I would suggest you speak with an attorney about establishing a court order for support or about enforcing a current support order. Just because he chooses not to visit with his children does not mean that he isn't obligated to provide financially for their needs.
No. If your new husband adopts, after that he is no longer a fther and has no future oblligatiion.
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