Sunday, 26 April 2015

My stepmom's sister just was granted guardianship and stuck her in a nursing home. Can she sell the house she was living in if it says in my...


My stepmom's sister just was granted guardianship and stuck her in a nursing home. Can she sell the house she was living in if it says in my stepmom's will it should be given to my brother and I? Also my stepmom's nephew was going to go up to Montana in June and take things out of the house. Does he have a right to do that since my stepmom is still alive? Did the guardianship to her sister grant him that right?


The Guardian's conduct is subject to review by the Court. Whether the Court has granted Conservatorship responsibilities to the Guardian will depend on the Court's order establishing the guardianship.

You should consider taking your questions to an attorney who specializes in this area to learn the rules that apply to your stepmother's guardianship and how the Guardian's conduct is measured.

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