Sunday, 26 April 2015

What if a parent was in custody of the state when they were suppose to get custody of the child and the parents rights get revoked because t...


What if a parent was in custody of the state when they were suppose to get custody of the child and the parents rights get revoked because they were in state custody because of a mistake the state made in which made the parent incapable of maken the court date to get there rights revoked and by the time the parent was released from state custody the rights were revoked but they have been looking for like 8.5 years but nobody can give you any info is it possible to still get or attempt to get custody and sue the state for several different misTakes such as making the parent miss the court appearance for placing him in a establishment that he didn't belong in the first place.


Someone may be able to help you but the problem is that it would be very expensive

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