Saturday, 25 April 2015

I am pregnant and the biological father abandoned in the very beginning, asking that I never contact him again. He wants nothing to do with ...


I am pregnant and the biological father abandoned in the very beginning, asking that I never contact him again. He wants nothing to do with it at all. I've since gotten into a serious relationship and am considering adding this man as the Legal father on the birth certificate. I am on state public assistance due to mental illness. If I add this man as the legal Father, will the state file for any kind of support or reimbursement from the legal father??


The short answer is yes.

The taxpayers of Texas are supporting your child & the taxpayers will eventually want reimbursement for this money.

Also, normally it is now the policy of most hospitals to require DNA testing BEFORE adding a man's man to any birth certificate.

Why? Because a lot of women did exactly what you are doing & then either the man or the woman changed their minds later on.

If you have any questions, I highly recommend that you talk to a family law attorney in your county!

Good luck. Happy pregnancy.

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