Friday, 24 April 2015

1) I put my about to be ex-girlfriend on the deed to my house. She has no investment in the property and does not contribute to the upkeep o...


1) I put my about to be ex-girlfriend on the deed to my house. She has no investment in the property and does not contribute to the upkeep or pay any of the bills. How do I get her off the deed.

2)Since she's on the deed how can I make her move out?


Since she is on the deed, you will have to bring an action to quiet title unless she consents to execute a deed in your favor.

You can then also seek to evict.

Time is of the essence.


Ask her to sign a quitclaim deed giving her interest in the house back to you (actually, you both would sign a quitclaim over to you). When that fails, offer to buy her out of the house. Once the deed is solely in your name again, ask her to leave and, if she refuses, file an action for ejectment (not eviction, because she isn't a paying tenant).


By adding her name to the property you just gave her half ownership of your house.


Unfortunately when you added her name to the property you gave her half ownership to the house.

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