Do I have to continue paying child support if I signed paternity, discovered she is married and divorced while pregnant?
I dated and broke up with a woman 14 years ago. After the breakup, she came to me and said she was pregnant by me but I couldnt see the child. I filed a voluntarry paternity and agreed to pay child support for visitation. 8 years later, I did a bucal test and discovered the child was not mine. The court refused my request for a paternity test when i tried to dissolve paternity. A year later I found out that she was married while the child was conceived and divorced 4 months into her pregnancy. She never informed me, the ex-husband or the court that she was married. For 14 years, I reluctantly paid child support and now she is coming after me to get more money that I cannot afford.
Try and reopen the case based on fraud. Don't know if it will get you anywhere but you should have been suspicious when she told you that you couldn't get the child.
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