Friday, 24 April 2015

I have just gone through a divorce. Have three houses all paid for and we are transferring ownership from one to the other. Is this form ok ...


I have just gone through a divorce. Have three houses all paid for and we are transferring ownership from one to the other. Is this form ok to use in Georgia for this purpose?


Please resubmit your question. You question is difficult to understand and we cannot see forms or other documents through this service. You should also consider speaking a Georgia real estate attorney.

Best of luck.


What "form?" How are we supposed to know what you are talking about? Either way, the answer is no. If you have no idea what you are doing (and that is clear from your question), it is only common sense to spend a few hundred dollars for a real estate lawyer to prepare and record the appropriate deeds. Are the houses worth so little that you don't care whether or not deeds are properly prepared so that you (or the other party) actually own the property?


What form? No one here has seen it?

There is NO form to do what you say, and if you did things right (which means use an attorney) the attorney has drafted things for you.

To transfer clear title in a divorce you need"

(1) A proper real estate settlement agreement filed with the divorce case (or a final decree with the same specifics.

(2) A PT-61 generated by computer

(3) A specially drafted deed (do NOT use a form) which will otherwise look like a Deed of Gift but will specifically refer to your divorce case.

Unless you want title problems later, which could be costly, this is not a pro se do it with forms project. See a lawyer (hopefully you already had one from teh divorce who is doing this for you).

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