Saturday, 25 April 2015

My ex and I went to mediation on Tuesday and agreed to joint legaland shared physical custody. Now today I went for the child support hering...


My ex and I went to mediation on Tuesday and agreed to joint legaland shared physical custody. Now today I went for the child support hering and I think the person filled out the wrong paperwork. She listed my ex as having sole custody and went by that chart. I told her we both have shared custody and she said there was no paperwork on that. What do I do since the wrong chart raises my support a lot. I have 43 percent and she has 57 percent custody.


Apparently, what the two of you agreed to in mediation either was not reduced to writing, or if it was, the document was not given to the hearing officer. You can probably get it resolved easily by having a Consent Order entered. That is an Order that is signed by both you and your ex which sets forth the agreement and then is signed by a Judge. It would probably be best for you to obtain an attorney to accomplish this for you. Feel free to call me at 856-546-8010 to discuss your matter in more detail. Rob Gleaner


You need to provide the agreement to the mediator so that the child support can be ammended.

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