Thursday, 23 April 2015

My sister and her husband along with me and my husband both a house together to live ,with all of our names on the tittle deed. When we sold...


My sister and her husband along with me and my husband both a house together to live ,with all of our names on the tittle deed. When we sold it we all sign of f , and was sold me and my husband expected some money back from the sale of our property. If been almost ten years and still haven't got anything but She manage to buy a house and left us renting one. What can I do now. I have been dumb for so long because we are family. ?


That is an incredible amount of time to wait around and not follow up on something like the sale of real property. An attorney could not even begin to advise you until the status of title was reviewed, along with any escrow instructions. It is not clear what you "signed off."


Mr. Roach is correct. Ten years is WAY past the time limits for almost any claim you might have. Pretty much anything you might have a right to would have a three or four year time limit to do anything about it.


TEN YEARS later and you are only asking now???

Any statute of limitations for legal action has long since passed, unless there are truly unique facts that would somehow 'toll' the statute.

If serious about hiring counsel to review all the documentation and 'facts' in this to see IF there is any remaining basis for your legal claim, feel free to contact me.

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