Thursday, 26 March 2015

20th ceramics a fine-art medium?

20th ceramics a fine-art medium?
Entertainment in WW2:
Cinema, at first cinemas were closed by the government at the start of the war, but the government realised how important cinemas were, so they re opened, showing films about the war keeping people informed (or misinformed) and using propaganda, also showing people how to behave, some films showed how people coped with the loss of family members in air raids, and reminded people to keep quiet about information incase of German spies.
there were three main singers in WW2, which kept morale high,
Vera Lynn (the nations sweetheart)
Gracie Fields
Anne shelton
Radio stations were also used to boost morale, the most popular one at the time, was "its that man again" up to 40% of Britain listened to this.

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