Friday, 27 March 2015

Is it true Star Fox games have cussing!?

Is it true Star Fox games have cussing!?
Yes but not all of them, Star Fox is more for teens and youngadults. Star Fox was Nintendo's first cussing series, Star Fox2(unreleased)was Nintendo's first cussing game. In Star Fox 2characters occasionally say"dammit"and"damn", Falco says them morethan other characters do. Before Star Fox 64 was released, it had apre-release picture of Falco saying"What is this sh**!?". Star Foxcomics had cussing too, one had the s-word in it and a possibly cutoff f-word, Fox was the biggest cursor in them. In Star FoxAdventures, Fox almost says"What the h***"a few times but doesn'tget it said. In Command there is one near use of the s-word.

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