Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Got charged with delivery of 50 ecstasy pills but friend said he was going to take the blame


Got charged with delivery of 50 ecstasy pills but friend said he was going to take the blame


What's your question? I have heard this hundreds of times, and the lawyer for the "friend" doesn't allow it. There is a law of accountability in Illinois. It's when you are held accountable for another person's actions by the State proving that you in some way help facilitate the crime. In delivery cases it's usually being a look-out if you didn't either give him the ecstasy or have it on you when arrested. Get a really good lawyer, because the state can prosecute you regardless of what your friend may be willing to do. By the way, I wouldn't rely on that.If you are in or around Cook County, please call me for a free consultation at 1-800-NOT GUILTY, except Du Page County, then call 708-263-8212.


First, you should not post anything else on the internet about your case. Second, you should contact a criminal lawyer about how to proceed. You don't want to make a bad situation worse. Give me a call if you want a free consultation. 312-502-7877

Andy Gable



The above answers are good. You need to hire the best criminal defense attorney you can afford. If you can't afford a private attorney, you should ask for a public defender. I have handled felony cases in several different Illinois courts over the last thirty-five years. I would be happy to offer you a free telephone consultation to see if I can help you.

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