Friday, 27 March 2015

My husband and I are going through a divorce. My children have been put in the forefront of some adult issues that they should never have be...


My husband and I are going through a divorce. My children have been put in the forefront of some adult issues that they should never have been made aware of. My husband continues to slander me to my children (15 and 12). Due to this, they do not want to speak with me and have been very mean through email and text messaging. I now have my own home with a bedroom for each of my children and want them to come over and spend time with me as well as their dad. However, this is virtually impossible since they live with dad and are constantly being told how horrible their mom is for splitting up the family. Is there any way that I can legally have my time with my children prior to the divorce settlement? Their dad says the he will never force them to come over to my house. Yet, he continues to place me in a bad light so that they don't even want to come over.


Yes, you have the right to request "temporary orders" of custody, support, and/or visitation during the pendancy of your divorce.


You should file a Motion for Temporary Orders and request parenting time with your children. You have the right to spend time with your children and stop father's alienation of your children.

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