Saturday, 28 March 2015

How long does a Landlord have to return your security deposit for a commercial space lease. Security deposit is not more than 1 monts rent $...


How long does a Landlord have to return your security deposit for a commercial space lease. Security deposit is not more than 1 monts rent $1,268. I also have a email agreement that there will be a hold back $500 to remove, paint and patch up for a sign removal with a clause that the total amount would not exceed $1,000 and that this will be shared 50 %. Also we agreed upon that if the cost of the removal is less than $1,000 I would only pay 50 % of the amount from the hold back and the rest of the security deposit of $500 that was not used is returned. As of now 8/6 I have not recieved any refund or invoices to confirm the itemized breakdown nor the other portion of the security deposit that should have been released since I vacated the property on 6/30. The property was also confirmed with a walkthrough with the new tenant and property management and has accepted the condition of the property with no issue.


Under California law, 21 calendar days or less after you move, your landlord must either:

Send you a full refund of your security deposit, or

Mail or personally deliver to you an itemized statement that lists the amounts of any deductions from your security deposit and the reasons for the deductions, together with a refund of any amounts not deducted.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please call me at 714.525.5570

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