Thursday, 26 March 2015

What degree do you need to be an art therapist?

What degree do you need to be an art therapist?
Hi. As far as I know there is no 'Art Therapy' course in Australia but im not sure of other countries.There are a few ideas that I could suggest- you could study the bachelor of art and do a graduate course into psychology, or study the bachelor of psychology and do a graduate course in art. Best to contact the university you want to study at to find out what graduate courses they have and how to get into them. What do you prefer more- art or psychology?Alternatively, you could go to tafe or a private tafe college. I know tafe offers cert iv. in counselling and communication - so this would give you the foundations in psychology if you wanted to study art at university?The best way to figure this out is to research 'Art therapy' and get in touch with an Art Therapist. They'll be able to tell you about what they had to do and had to study to get where they are. A hospital or community health (employer of art therapist) may also help. 'job guide' may also be able to help you- it explains a bit about what the career is and 'appropriate courses'. Also, if your still at school- a career counsellor might also be able to help.Best of luck and enjoy! It sounds like a rewarding course! kaz 24

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