Thursday, 26 March 2015

If I live in Texas and my ex husband moved to Florida and is hiding from the Attorney General, which state is the best to get a lawyer for h...


If I live in Texas and my ex husband moved to Florida and is hiding from the Attorney General, which state is the best to get a lawyer for help with back child support, current child support, medical bills, and a review?

He stopped paying child support and is hiding. Attorney general has spent a year trying to find him. I am disabled and my daughter is Jr in high school. He owers 40,000 back support, medical bills, and his income has increased substancially, he is an owner operator, so he is able to hide his income. I recently found him on facebook, so I contacted him explaining my situation and ask him for help. He made it very clear that he was not going to pay. It has got to the point where I have to do something. I don't have money for a lawyer but I am hoping to get one on contingency. I just need to know if its better to get one where he lives, in order to find him.


Get a lawyer in Florida.

You CAN find agencies in Florida that will take your case on a contingent fee.

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