Tuesday, 31 March 2015

I rented a house to a woman. Her name was the only name on the contract. Her live-in boyfriend murdered her and is now in jail. His belongin...


I rented a house to a woman. Her name was the only name on the contract. Her live-in boyfriend murdered her and is now in jail. His belongings are still in the house. Do I have to file a disposessory in order to remove his stuff? Or can I just remove it?


"In jail" doesn't really say much. Was he just arrested and in the county jail, and possibly getting out on bail in the next few days, or has he been convicted and in prison for a few years? If the former, you might be safe in filing a dispossessory. If the latter, it is probably safe to deem it abandoned (with no one to complain). You might want to store his stuff for a while in case he or his family wants to pick it up.


You have to file a dispossessory. If you touch his property without it, you have broken the law.

i need to find a lawyer that deals with living trust issues


i need to find a lawyer that deals with living trust issues


There are several ways to find an estate planning/probate attorney. One of the best is to go to the California Bar website - www.calbar.org - and search for an attorney in your geographical area who is a certified specialist in estate planning, trust and probate law.


I agree with Jennifer. A certified Specialist in the area should be able to help you. If the specialist you go to does not work in a particular area (litigation or special needs trusts, for example), he or she can refer you to a capable person to assist.

How does the mint detirmine how much money to print?

How does the mint detirmine how much money to print?
The U.S. treasurer, part of the executive department, says how much money to print. He probably gets his orders from the president.

Where is the main office of AARP car insurance?

Where is the main office of AARP car insurance?
There are offices for AARP in all of the fifty states of the United States as well as Puerto Rico, Washington D.C. and also the District of Columbia. The main office is in Washington D.C.

I lost custody of my kids over a year ago. The judge use to be an attorney and my ex-brother-in-law was her client at one time. Is there a l...


I lost custody of my kids over a year ago. The judge use to be an attorney and my ex-brother-in-law was her client at one time. Is there a law that could have stopped the judge from taking the case or can I still do anything about it? Please help me understand the law


I gather by the fact that you posted here instead of asking your lawyer that you made the one catastrophic mistake guaranteed to make a custody battle go badly - do it without a lawyer. Big mistake (and that is likely what went wrong).

As a general rule, representing an ex-brother-in-law is far too remote a connection to support recusal, but it's fact dependent, and your lawyer would have raised it at the time if it mattered (you can't wait a year and raise it).

Bigamy CustodyMy NV divorce was final in April 2005 and I just found out that my Ex has never divorced his previous wife. Our marriage ce...


Bigamy & Custody

My NV divorce was final in April 2005 and I just found out that my Ex has never divorced his previous wife. Our marriage ceremony in NM was performed by a fake minister. Can I invalidate my NV divorce &/or take immediate full custody of my children? Also, if Family Court won't allow me to re-open due to the amount of time that has passed, can I sue in Civil Court for the fraud?


Re: Bigamy & Custody

This is a great question, but not related in anyway to the custudy of your children.

1) The only question of importance as it relates to the validity of your marriage is to property and debt. If you received a share of property from your ex based on the NM marriage, or say spousal support- all of your property rights would technically void because you were never legally married.

2) You are asking the wrong question. Finding out that you husband was previously married will act to nullify a marriage- not a divorce. It doesn't matter if the minister was fake, if the marriage was properly recorded in NM or was otherwise valid under NM law. Your bigger problem would be if he was still legally married to another woman at the time he married you- at which point it doesn't matter if the minister was fake or real because your marriage was "void Ab initicio" or "from the start" This means it was never valid so you don't have to do anything. People will file an an annullment to have a paper trail for other purposes. How this never came out during your divorce is unknown. But it would make no sense to set aside a decree of divorce- which would act to undue the divorce of a marriage which didn't exist.

You file an action in Family court to strike everything because there was no proper marraige to get divorced from. if you have alot of money with doing better to do with it, you can. Yes you can also sue him for fraud and a few other things, but if he doesn't have any assets to collect from, it may not be worth it.

Now the bad news- There is no law that says only a married man gets to have contact with his children. If he is the biological father he will have visitation and joint legal custudy (Absent drug, alcohol or mental issues). Assuming your marriage was not valid- th remedy would be a petition to Establish paternity/Child support and visitation. A single unmarried mother is presumed to the primary physical custodian of her children, however depending on the children's ages and Dad's contact with them- the court might give him the same contact as before all this came to light


Re: Bigamy & Custody

I would also say that your Ex does not have proper rights to your children. If the annulment is granted, which it will happen, his paternity order is also voided and he will have to establish paternity. Until he does that, he would have no rights.

Paternity could be established if you lived together during conception, if you put him on the birth certificate, that would also help him establish paternity.

You don't need to go to Civil Court because you were never properly married so the annulment is for sure. The Family Court Judge though will look at the best interests of your children. If your custody arrangement has been working well, the judge may not change it and just treat you two if you were living together and never married.

In Las Vegas, there are many people who never get married to their boyfriend or girlfriend and the judge makes custody orders.

Got charged with delivery of 50 ecstasy pills but friend said he was going to take the blame


Got charged with delivery of 50 ecstasy pills but friend said he was going to take the blame


What's your question? I have heard this hundreds of times, and the lawyer for the "friend" doesn't allow it. There is a law of accountability in Illinois. It's when you are held accountable for another person's actions by the State proving that you in some way help facilitate the crime. In delivery cases it's usually being a look-out if you didn't either give him the ecstasy or have it on you when arrested. Get a really good lawyer, because the state can prosecute you regardless of what your friend may be willing to do. By the way, I wouldn't rely on that.If you are in or around Cook County, please call me for a free consultation at 1-800-NOT GUILTY, except Du Page County, then call 708-263-8212.


First, you should not post anything else on the internet about your case. Second, you should contact a criminal lawyer about how to proceed. You don't want to make a bad situation worse. Give me a call if you want a free consultation. 312-502-7877

Andy Gable



The above answers are good. You need to hire the best criminal defense attorney you can afford. If you can't afford a private attorney, you should ask for a public defender. I have handled felony cases in several different Illinois courts over the last thirty-five years. I would be happy to offer you a free telephone consultation to see if I can help you.

Who is the model in star plus new anthem song?

Who is the model in star plus new anthem song?
aditi sharma

What type of government doesfrance have?

What type of government doesfrance have?
a monarchy

Saturday, 28 March 2015

World wrestling entertainment relationships?

World wrestling entertainment relationships?
Answer Some real life WWE releationships are:

Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. (married)
C.M. Punk and AJ LEE (married)
Bobby Lashley and Krystal Marshall (split up)
King Booker and Sharmell (married)Melina and Johnny Nitro (on/off)Brock Lesnar and Sable (married)Michelle McCool & Undertaker (married)Danie Bryan & Brie Bella ( married)John Cena & Nikki Bella (dating & living together)Tyson Kidd and Nattie (married)Namoi and Jimmy Uso (married)Miz & Maryse (married)Edge & Beth Phoenix (living together, have a childtogether)

I've been sued, but haven't gone to court yet. I'm planning to file for bankruptcy. As I understand it, my wife and I will probably be allow...


I've been sued, but haven't gone to court yet. I'm planning to file for bankruptcy. As I understand it, my wife and I will probably be allowed to keep one car each. I happen to have a third car and would like to keep it. Can I sell it to my son, who is 26 years old, prior to filing for bankruptcy? The bankruptcy will probably be filed within the next week or so.


call us ...we normally discourage bankruptcy...and being sued does not mean there will be a judgment against you...but if cars are paid for..you can sell to anyone..but need to report in filing bankruptcy if within a year.....so unless u have hired a lawyer, call..consultation free 972 298 4641

My wife had our 4 year old Weimaraner on his leash for a walk with my 1 yr old daughter on her stroller and as they where approaching a vaca...

what if the DA is biased?


what if the DA is biased?


They are always biased. They think that defendants are pieces of shit and should all go to prison. So, what?


Even former DAs who are now Judges can be biased

How long does a Landlord have to return your security deposit for a commercial space lease. Security deposit is not more than 1 monts rent $...


How long does a Landlord have to return your security deposit for a commercial space lease. Security deposit is not more than 1 monts rent $1,268. I also have a email agreement that there will be a hold back $500 to remove, paint and patch up for a sign removal with a clause that the total amount would not exceed $1,000 and that this will be shared 50 %. Also we agreed upon that if the cost of the removal is less than $1,000 I would only pay 50 % of the amount from the hold back and the rest of the security deposit of $500 that was not used is returned. As of now 8/6 I have not recieved any refund or invoices to confirm the itemized breakdown nor the other portion of the security deposit that should have been released since I vacated the property on 6/30. The property was also confirmed with a walkthrough with the new tenant and property management and has accepted the condition of the property with no issue.


Under California law, 21 calendar days or less after you move, your landlord must either:

Send you a full refund of your security deposit, or

Mail or personally deliver to you an itemized statement that lists the amounts of any deductions from your security deposit and the reasons for the deductions, together with a refund of any amounts not deducted.

Should you have any questions or concerns, please call me at 714.525.5570

Me and another lady were backing out of parking spots at the same time and the back left corners of our vehicles hit. I was in drive when th...


Me and another lady were backing out of parking spots at the same time and the back left corners of our vehicles hit. I was in drive when the accident happened but she claims i backed into her. So basically it's mine and my passengers word against hers. When she got out of the vehicle I noticed she was wearing flip flops with open toe and heel. I know this can cause reckless driving but i do not know if it is against the law to drive wearing flip flops. My question is is this a piece of evidence I should bring up I have a verification from the parking lot security guard that she was wearing the sandals and pictures. If this would help my case i would like to know


It is not against the law to drive in California with flip-flops on, or even barefoot, and it will neither help nor hurt your case.

In divorce agreements there is a 50 mile rule where they cannot move farther from. What happens if that is violated? Also if it is violated,...


In divorce agreements there is a 50 mile rule where they cannot move farther from. What happens if that is violated? Also if it is violated, without permission and to keep things at peace the other party didn't fight it for a while until things started to escalate more is there anything that can be done? Is there a way to gain custody this way? Or force the other party to pay for transportation for more visits?


FL law says you have to get written permission from the ex or a court order prior to moving, If the person has already moved and you did nothing until now you need to do something asap otherwise you will lose the longer you wait.

What are the release dates for Magia nuda - 1975?

What are the release dates for Magia nuda - 1975?
Magia nuda - 1975 was released on:

Italy: 24 January 1975
Japan: 20 November 1976
USA: February 1977
West Germany: 11 March 1977
USA: 16 March 1977 (San Francisco, California)

How can you avoid getting sick?

How can you avoid getting sick?
my aunt is a doctor and she said vitamin D3 is the key to staying away from the seasonal sicknesses along with cancer and that stuff.

Why does a person wear something red attract your attention?

Why does a person wear something red attract your attention?
becoz red is a powerful strong color showing that he/she is ready to do anything....



this is found on a background check




OFFENSE DATE 04/27/2005

does it mean they have not formally been sentenced? charged? are they charged or convicted of the offense..im confused


It appears that they were 1) Charged, then 2) Never showed up to court, and 3) Probably have a bench warrant.


If there are no further notations in the past 8 years, the case was probably dismissed. If there was a conviction at trial or a guilty plea, that should show up in the background check. Since it does not, either the company running the background checks is unreliable or there was no conviction.

What could the nation do to make oil last longer?

What could the nation do to make oil last longer?
we could all start by walking everywhere we go

What films are Eddie Izzard in?

What films are Eddie Izzard in?
my superhero ex girlfriend
the chronicles of Narnia 2
n some more

once you have filled for divorce and your spouse is avoiding getting served if 30 days have lapsed do you need to refille or do you get a ti...


once you have filled for divorce and your spouse is avoiding getting served if 30 days have lapsed do you need to refille or do you get a time exptention and have to pay for it ?


Summons must be served within 120 days or a new summons must be issued.


You have 120 days to serve the complaint. You do not need a new summons, but you would need and extension of time to serve, which the court will provide.


the court will issue a "alias Summons" which is $10.00(depending on the county you filed in). You have 120 days to serve the complaint.

What is the statue of limitations for child molestation if you have a recorded confession?


What is the statue of limitations for child molestation if you have a recorded confession?


For a civil lawsuit against the child molestor, the statute does not begin to run until the child reaches the age of majority.

my manager ask me to change my time sheet to show less hours worked


my manager ask me to change my time sheet to show less hours worked


If you did not work less hours, don't do it.


I agree. That is not legal.

In the state of Texas is it procedure to file a restraining order against the defendant in a child support case and is it a violation of def...


In the state of Texas is it procedure to file a restraining order against the defendant in a child support case and is it a violation of deferred adjudication probation?


If there is a need for a restraining order, then it is proper to file for one. You should not seek a restraining order just to torment the other party. You need to have solid reasons that you can explain to the judge.

I don't understand the part of the question having to do with deferred adjudication. Perhaps you can repost it with a clarification.

Good luck!!

How do you get licensed to work on car brakes?

How do you get licensed to work on car brakes?
A good start would be to become ASE certified in brake work. Please visit their site at:

The answer would further depend on which country and state / province you are trying to obtain your licensed in. In the USA you would most likely need to contact the Department of Motor Vehicles.

What is Meryl Streep's favorite color?

What is Meryl Streep's favorite color?
Blue and red. Blue= eye color Red= respect

Friday, 27 March 2015

My ex husband is taking me to court to lower his child support alleging he isn't employed.I have proof he is working. What is admissable to ...


My ex husband is taking me to court to lower his child support alleging he isn't employed.

I have proof he is working. What is admissable to the judge to provide proof?

Is a recording of him identifying himself answering the business line?


The rule against hearsay is deceptively simple and full of exceptions. Hearsay is an out of court statement, made or brought into the court's hearing, to prove the truth of the matter asserted. Even if a statement meets the requirements for hearsay, the statement may yet be admissible under one of the exceptions to the hearsay rule. There are twenty-four exceptions in the federal rules.

Perhaps the easier way is to subpoena the HR custodian of records at the place he is working.....



You might consider spending a few hundred dollars to have a private investigator follow him several mornings.


better yet, sit down with a smart lawyer and plan out how to beat him on this. if you are right...well, he is committing perjury in an effort to cheat his children. the Judge will not be very happy with him.

Really not happy.

I can help you with this. Give me a call, make an appointment to come see me, and let's get moving on this for you. No charge for the telephone call and no charge for the first office visit.

Robert Davies, Esq. 201-820-3460

The Davies Law Firm, P.A.

45 Essex Street, Suite 3 West

Hackensack New Jersey 07601

Phone: 201-820-3459

Fax: 201-820-3461

Email: [email protected]/* */

Website: AttorneyRobertDavies.com

Please keep in mind that my response is just a general comment on your question, and not legal advice. I have answered based upon the law of the State of New Jersey where I practice; the laws in other states may be very different, and may result in very different outcomes. Your question and any response does NOT create an attorney-client relationship between you and this law firm. The exact details of your situation and things that you have not mentioned in your question can completely change the response I gave. You can not rely upon what I have written as legal advice, because I do not have all of the information that I need to advise you, I only have the very small amount of information that you put into your question. To get legal advice that you can rely on and use, please contact me directly.

If your son turned 18 in January and he graduated from HS in may of the same year and is joining the Marines in August of same year can his ...


If your son turned 18 in January and he graduated from HS in may of the same year and is joining the Marines in August of same year can his dad stop paying child support for june july and august?


The answer to your question is more dependent upon the wording of the court order for child support than it is in the 'theoretical' problem you posed above. I give answers to this type of question by asking to exam the court order. If the order says something like 'child support is due each month until the child turns 18 unless he is in school in which case support will continue to be due until the child graduates or turns age 19" then it sounds like the father complied with the court order under your scenario. If the order says something entirely different then perhaps the father was not complying with the order. In the end, I am suggesting that you have a local attorney look at your court order for you and express her or her opinion as to whether support was properly paid or not.

Hope this helps.

Good Luck.

Law Guru

my estranged husband has forced me into sighning my car title over and giving him thousands of dollars i am affraid of him so have not press...


my estranged husband has forced me into sighning my car title over and giving him thousands of dollars i am affraid of him so have not pressed charges am now ready he has also forged my signature on at least one check i want my stuff back but he has no money what will a judge do


Time to file and serve your divorce petition and set a court hearing to deal with these matters.

To whom it may concernI am one of the owners of Bankcard Services. I am looking for some legal advice on a situation that my business has en...


To whom it may concern

I am one of the owners of Bankcard Services. I am looking for some legal advice on a situation that my business has encountered. A merchant leased 2 credit card

processing machines(terminals)on 10/11/2012 through my company. This requires a

verbal conversation between the merchant and the lease company. Once this was

completed, the merchant was now able to use his terminals to accept credit cards

from his customers on purchases. The merchant used his account for over 3 months.

After the 3 month period, merchant closed his bank account, which resulted in the

lease payment defaulting. Once the payment was defaulted, the lease company deducted $2424.65 from our bank account. The merchant still has the 2 terminals in his possesion. I have in my possesion the paperwork the merchant signed.

I do not understand how the lease company is holding me responsible for the

merchants obligation since he signed the lease agreement.

The way I see it the merchant should be arrested for deceptive practice, fraud,

forgery, electronic wire fraud, and receiving stolen property.

Your thoughts on this matter would be appreciated. I am not sure if I would require legal representation, or if I am able to go to the local police station to press charges.


I suspect your attorney did not review the agreement before it was executed. In my experience, businesses do not know what they are getting into with these lease agreements and only learn the true nature of their liability exposure when things go badly. Your recourse will all turn on the nature of the lease agreement and your dealings with the leasing company. More facts would be needed to adequately respond to your query and you likely will need to talk to an attorney about how to proceed.

I've lied to my husband about my age for 30 years. Can he have our marriage annulled, or disinherit me? I'm 68 and he thinks I'm 63.


I've lied to my husband about my age for 30 years. Can he have our marriage annulled, or disinherit me? I'm 68 and he thinks I'm 63.


Lying about your age is not a sufficient reason to annul a marriage or "disinherit" a spouse.

Should kids start driving at age ten?

Should kids start driving at age ten?
no. they should start driving at age 2.

What are the release dates for Tennessee Champ - 1954?

What are the release dates for Tennessee Champ - 1954?
Tennessee Champ - 1954 was released on:

USA: 25 February 1954 (Memphis, Tennessee) (premiere)
USA: 3 March 1954 (Hollywood, California)
USA: 5 March 1954
Sweden: 17 January 1955

If a person pressed charges on someone. Then the person that pressed charges didnt show up for court. Will that person face jail time?


If a person pressed charges on someone. Then the person that pressed charges didnt show up for court. Will that person face jail time?


This depends on a number of factors. The person who "pressed charges" isn't always necessary for a criminal case to proceed. In fact, the decision as to whether the criminal charges will be pursued is up to the District Attorney. If they have other witnesses or evidence, they don't need the person who pressed charges....hire a criminal defense attorney to assist you.


Each District varies a little on how they handle that situation - in my District, typically our ADA's will make a motion to continue to subpoena the prosecuting witness if the person is are needed to proceed with the case. On rare occasions, the ADA may dismiss the case with or without prejudice and sometimes on rare occasions the case may be dismissed by a Judge on a defense motion, again with or without prejudice. I have never seen or heard of an instance where a prosecuting witness was jailed for failing to appear at a court date - especially if the court date was the first setting of the matter. However, if a prosecuting witness fails to show up after having been served with a subpoena, I have seen Judges put that person in jail for contempt of court unless they had a very compelling reason for not appearing. If you are the prosecuting witness who pressed the charges and you either didn't show up for court or you are planning not to show up for court because you have changed your mind or some other reason - yeah, don't do that. If you have changed your mind about proceeding with charges, let the ADA know that and what your reasons are. It is totally up to the ADA whether to proceed or not but they may dismiss the matter if you ask them. But if you just don't show up, you will piss everyone off and cause more work for an already overloaded court system.

What are the release dates for The Colbert Report - 2005 Katie Couric - 3.40?

What are the release dates for The Colbert Report - 2005 Katie Couric - 3.40?
The Colbert Report - 2005 Katie Couric - 3.40 was released on:

USA: 22 March 2007

How do you clear chapter 15 in vampireville?

How do you clear chapter 15 in vampireville?
read the manual it will tell you a secret code

Can you pay a car payment by credit card?

Can you pay a car payment by credit card?
The web site, www.chargesmart.com, lets you use a credit card to pay for auto loans and leases, mortgages, utilities, and student loans.

What is is the best car ever made?

What is is the best car ever made?
The best car ever made is the 1935-38 riley kestrel sprite, Look it up! (my second is The MG SA Tickford, look that up also!)

My sister-in-law and brothers-in-law are getting ready to close on their parents home. My husband is deceased and they are now asking for a ...


My sister-in-law and brothers-in-law are getting ready to close on their parents home. My husband is deceased and they are now asking for a copy of my husband's death certificate. Why would they need it?


Your husband may be on the title as a contingent beneficiary. His death certificate may be needed for recording to clear title.


I agree with Attorney Roth. If I had to guess, your brother and his siblings inherited or were granted the home. Your husband's name is still on the title. In order to sell, the buyer is going to need to know that all owners are joining in the sale - or are deceased. They can obtain this information from the Registry of Vital Statistics.

Why doesn't your 4 wheel drive indicator light stay on in your 2007 Toyota RAV4?

Why doesn't your 4 wheel drive indicator light stay on in your 2007 Toyota RAV4?
Either the sensor is bad or the shift motor in/on the transfer case is not working for some reason (failed, blown fuse. etc.)

My dad passed away on saturday. he left behind a wife, one blood child and his wife 4 children. Am i entitled to anything or does it all go ...


My dad passed away on saturday. he left behind a wife, one blood child and his wife 4 children. Am i entitled to anything or does it all go to his wife? Are her children entitled to anything?


If there are probate assets they will pass either through his Will, or by the laws of intestacy (where there is no Will). A wife is guaranteed a share, and birth children receive a share. You refer to her "4 children." Unless they were born of your father, or adopted by him as a step-parent, they might not share. It is best to sit with a lawyer and review all the facts surrounding your family.


I'm sorry to hear of your father's passing. Generally if no will exists the property titled solely in the decedent's name will go roughly 1/2 to spouse and 1/2 to the deceased's children (either biological or adopted children). If a will was made it should control how property gets disbursed.

While I hope the general legal information above helps, it does not create an attorney/client relationship or offer specific advice on your particular situation. As a prior attorney post noted, it is wise to consult with an attorney who can review the situation and offer specific advice.

What are the release dates for Just for Kicks - 2006 Waiting for Fleishman 1-12?

What are the release dates for Just for Kicks - 2006 Waiting for Fleishman 1-12?
Just for Kicks - 2006 Waiting for Fleishman 1-12 was released on:

USA: 23 July 2006

I am being sued by my brother over my moms house she died i took over my old lawyer put the house in my name i cannt sell it i am being sued...


I am being sued by my brother over my moms house she died i took over my old lawyer put the house in my name i cannt sell it i am being sued for putting the house in my name my new lawyer is chargeing me alot of money i paid her 3000.00 alrady she wants another 3000.00


If your mother had a will AND the Will left the house to you AND her estate was probated AND administered, the executor had the right to deed the house to you.

Without a will, the estate would still have to be probated and administered, then it would be divided among the legal heirs according to the State statute governing intestate decedent's assets.

In either case, only the personal representative (Executor or Administrator) appointed by the Surrogate's Office, has legal authority to sign a deed to transfer title of the property.

You do not give any background facts. I would be surprised if a lawyer just prepared a deed without any legal authority for the house being transferred. Also, it sounds like your new lawyer must have been providing legal services in connection with the administration of your mother's estate. Lawyers don't charge $3,000.00 for preparing a deed without performing substantial other legal services.

Ask your new lawyer to explain in detail what happened when your old lawyer put the house in your name, and what she has done for you since she started providing legal services to you, what your rights and obligations are in responding to your brother's law suit and what services she will provide with respect to the lawsuit.

If you were not entitled to sole title to the house, under the will or under State law, your brother may have a rightful claim.

If your new lawyer cannot fully explain what happened, you do not have to continue with her services but can and should consult with another lawyer who could at least review what happened to advise you on your rights and obligations, and if you have a defense and should spend money to defend against your brother's claim.


* If the answers to your question confirm that you have a valid issue or worthwhile claim, your next step should almost always be to establish a dialog with a lawyer who can provide specific advice to you. Contact a lawyer in your county or township.

* Another reason for contacting a lawyer is that it is often impossible to give a good answer in the Internet Q&A format without having more information. The unique circumstances of your situation and things that you may not have thought to mention in your question may completely change the answer. If you want to be sure that you have a complete answer to your question and an understanding of what that answer means, establish a connection with a lawyer who practices in the area of your concern.


I agree with Miriam, although more facts are needed to explain why the Deed was only to you, and not you and your brother, who I am assuming was entitled to an equal share of the estate, either under the Will or the intestacy statute, as applicable. I also agree that $6,000 seems to be excessive, unless part of this fee was incurred in responding to your brother's litigation. If you provide more facts I can respond better. You may wish to contact me directly and the first 1/2 hour is free. This is a response to an Internet question and the reply is not intended to be legal advice or as creating an attorney-client relationship.

My daughter hit a cone which was in her driving lane while driving (construction project on I-75). The damage/repair estimate is $740. She g...


My daughter hit a cone which was in her driving lane while driving (construction project on I-75). The damage/repair estimate is $740. She got a police report, etc. I initially filed a claim with FDOT who referred me to the contractor. After about a month, below is the response from the contractor. Is it true that they are not responsible and that the driver who initially hit the cone into the road is? I do have legal insurance so if you think I can pursue this and win by using an attorney I will. I really don't think I should or want to go through my insurance and my deductible is only $250 which means that that is all the contractor will pay me. Your legal opinion would be appreciated.

"When cones are placed in a construction zone, they are placed per Florida Department of Transportation standards. The placements are also continuously monitored during operations by FDOT engineers, FDOT consultants, and company personnel. However, cones are occasionally hit by inattentive motorists and sometimes knocked into open lanes. The negligence, therefore, is that of the driver who has done this, not the contractor who legally placed them. If that driver can be identified, then any claim should be directed towards them. Otherwise, the claim should be turned into your own insurance carrier.

As an act of good faith, however, we would be willing to cover your insurance deductible, up to an amount of $500.00. If that is acceptable, I will need a copy the insurance DECLARATIONS page noting the deductible amount. If your deductible is greater than $500, the $500 offer will remain valid."


In my judgment they are correct and you should take the money oferred.

My husband and I are going through a divorce. My children have been put in the forefront of some adult issues that they should never have be...


My husband and I are going through a divorce. My children have been put in the forefront of some adult issues that they should never have been made aware of. My husband continues to slander me to my children (15 and 12). Due to this, they do not want to speak with me and have been very mean through email and text messaging. I now have my own home with a bedroom for each of my children and want them to come over and spend time with me as well as their dad. However, this is virtually impossible since they live with dad and are constantly being told how horrible their mom is for splitting up the family. Is there any way that I can legally have my time with my children prior to the divorce settlement? Their dad says the he will never force them to come over to my house. Yet, he continues to place me in a bad light so that they don't even want to come over.


Yes, you have the right to request "temporary orders" of custody, support, and/or visitation during the pendancy of your divorce.


You should file a Motion for Temporary Orders and request parenting time with your children. You have the right to spend time with your children and stop father's alienation of your children.

What are variation technique?

What are variation technique?
There are many ways composers use variations on a melody. A few of the most common ones are to change the accompanying chords, place the melody in a lower register with another melody or bits of melody happening above it, and to change the rhythmic patterns but keep the notes of the melody the same or similar. Sometimes you will hear the composer switch from a major tonality to a minor tonality or vice versa. There are as many ways to vary a melody as a composer has imagination (I think that's why they like the challenge.)

What was the name of the man that died performing a stunt on the Noel Edmunds show?

What was the name of the man that died performing a stunt on the Noel Edmunds show?
Noel Edmonds cancelled the show after the progressively more dangerous "Whirlywheel" challenges (that had already resulted in one contestant damaging his back in a car stunt the year before) led to a viewer, Michael Lush, dying when a bungee jump stunt went wrong and the bungee snapped in Autumn 1986.

Why does your 1996 trooper idle so high it runs in the 2000 to 3000 rpm range.?

Why does your 1996 trooper idle so high it runs in the 2000 to 3000 rpm range.?
Maybe throttle plate is stuck - try to free with a screwdriver

What is the penalty for not stopping prior to the railroad crossing?

What is the penalty for not stopping prior to the railroad crossing?
You will be deported to Canada based on the State Department Law of Historical Railroad Protection.

I am 20 years old and I was arrested for possession of paraphernalia and marijuana. I was in my friend's car (total 3 people) at a local par...


I am 20 years old and I was arrested for possession of paraphernalia and marijuana. I was in my friend's car (total 3 people) at a local park in our town after hours. We finished smoking and left the parking lot. As we drove down the street, we passed an officer who was driving in the opposite direction. He witnessed us leave the parking lot. We turned to go down the main road and suddenly there were cop lights flashing behind us. We did not violate any traffic or driving laws and were confused as to why we were pulled over. When he approached the car, he stated that we almost hit him with our car as we turned, although he was nowhere near us. Then he said he could smell the marijuana and asked who it was. I was in the back seat, holding onto the marijuana in my bag. Knowing the trouble that the driver of the car could get into, I complied and announced that I had everything and that I was the only one smoking. The officer confiscated my illegal items and had me arrested on the spot. What I want to know is whether or not my case can be dismissed due to an illegal stop? There was no reason for us to be pulled over since we did not break any foreseeable laws. Any advice is much appreciation, thank you.


Yes. 201/342/7933.

Can an employer access your personal IP address at home


Can an employer access your personal IP address at home


Probably not. State and federal law should prohibit that -- was it on a company computer?

What are the release dates for Phyllis - 1975 Mother Dexter's Wedding - 2.11?

What are the release dates for Phyllis - 1975 Mother Dexter's Wedding - 2.11?
Phyllis - 1975 Mother Dexter's Wedding - 2.11 was released on:

USA: 6 December 1976

if pay check does not clear at the employers bank, what recourse do we have?


if pay check does not clear at the employers bank, what recourse do we have?


If your employer's check bounces, you may be able to get additional money as penalties. Call an employment law attorney to discuss.


You may want to bring this to your employers attention and see if it gets fixed. Could be a bank error. You can sue and also file a complaint with the EDD but first I would check to see if the employer can pay you so u know if you should continue to work

Is it true Star Fox games have cussing!?

Is it true Star Fox games have cussing!?
Yes but not all of them, Star Fox is more for teens and youngadults. Star Fox was Nintendo's first cussing series, Star Fox2(unreleased)was Nintendo's first cussing game. In Star Fox 2characters occasionally say"dammit"and"damn", Falco says them morethan other characters do. Before Star Fox 64 was released, it had apre-release picture of Falco saying"What is this sh**!?". Star Foxcomics had cussing too, one had the s-word in it and a possibly cutoff f-word, Fox was the biggest cursor in them. In Star FoxAdventures, Fox almost says"What the h***"a few times but doesn'tget it said. In Command there is one near use of the s-word.

in Texas, how long do you have to file a theft by conversion suit?


in Texas, how long do you have to file a theft by conversion suit?


2 years from the date of the theft

What spurred car production again after 1932?

What spurred car production again after 1932?
Men coming back home from the war spurred car production again after 1932

Do I have to sign a new contract or can i return the vehicle since it was the dealerships mistake?

Do I have to sign a new contract or can i return the vehicle since it was the dealerships mistake?
If there was a mistake on the dealers part they can't force you tosign a new contract. However, if you have had the car for very longthey may be able to charge you for the use of the car.

What is a Lien Fee for on Impounded Car?

What is a Lien Fee for on Impounded Car?
what is a lien fee when your car is inpound

How many instruments are played in an a coppella performace?

How many instruments are played in an a coppella performace?

Can a court appointed drug treatment program be transferred from NYC to another state? What is the procedure?


Can a court appointed drug treatment program be transferred from NYC to another state? What is the procedure?


The program cannot be transferred to another state but the defendant can be.


Sometimes. You need to discuss this with the program and they may be familiar with how to do it. Ultimately, the sentencing judge may make the final determination with the input of the prosecutor.

What are the release dates for Music in Flats - 1915?

What are the release dates for Music in Flats - 1915?
Music in Flats - 1915 was released on:

USA: 30 March 1915

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Can a business in the entertainment industry not pay its employees for training or rehearsal? My husband is being told that he is only being...


Can a business in the entertainment industry not pay its employees for training or rehearsal? My husband is being told that he is only being paid for show times only and not for his two days of training, his one night of rehearsal and from his call time two hours before the show for makeup. Is this legal in California?


He can file a claim for unpaid time with the Labor Commissioner.

In Va. how long after a non compete contract ends , can the employer bring suite ?


In Va. how long after a non compete contract ends , can the employer bring suite ?


The statute of limitations for a written contract is 5 years.

Where are National car rental locations?

Where are National car rental locations?
National rental car has locations in all 50 states in the U.S. This includes most major airports. In addition, National has airport locations in European cities like Edinburgh Scotland.

What are the release dates for Override - 2009?

What are the release dates for Override - 2009?
Override - 2009 was released on:

USA: July 2009

When was the national commission for women established?

When was the national commission for women established?
because art is the way you see things .
and so is nature
do you find nature really different than art
well...it all depends how you see it
but for me it is similar.
Ask yourself this question DO you find nature different . if you do find it different you will feel that it is NOT similar.

Hey there is winx season 4 in tv?

Hey there is winx season 4 in tv?
Yes there is a winx season 4 on TV. It is coming out in English on the 14th. The fairies will earn their believix and get a new member of the group -- Roxy!!! Hope this helps!!!
Heather MacGregor

I have a friend who smokes marijuana. I'm just wondering what are the penalties of getting caught with marijuana by the police for a teen (a...


I have a friend who smokes marijuana. I'm just wondering what are the penalties of getting caught with marijuana by the police for a teen (age 14).


"I have a friend . . ., is a red flag for attorneys. If it's true, have "your friend" consult with an attorney.

How do you make the game domino?

How do you make the game domino?
you get items that will stand or domino cards place them standing up going in different directions and flick one down and enjoy!1

hi this question is about my income tax refund i filed electronically for over three weeks my refund status says its being processed then i ...


hi this question is about my income tax refund i filed electronically for over three weeks my refund status says its being processed then i recieved a letterletter4883 saying my return was flagged for some kind of identity theft so after 2n a half hours on the phone with irsi had to verify my idendity by answering questions from previos tax returns she told me everything looked fine on my tax return at the end of our conversationn that itwould take another couple of weeks to recieve my return i cant see why i was flagged everythings the same on my tax returnas previous years. now my refund status says my refund is being reviewed and refer to tax topic 151 and to call irs customer service and give them reference #1242 what does this mean now is this something i should hire a attorney for im starting to get real confuse and need some advice thank you so much m jones


151 is an alternative to tax court. It means they're requesting more information regarding a credit you took. I think its about the EIC. They ought to send a letter in the mail about the exact problem. If you don't respond any refund could be substantially reduced and then you're left with going to tax court for it.

You can represent yourself, get an attorney, CPA or other IRS representation for the 151 request for more information.

I brought a diamond to a jeweler to be reset and the jeweler switched diamonds on me. What can I do about this?


I brought a diamond to a jeweler to be reset and the jeweler switched diamonds on me. What can I do about this?


How can you verify this? If you can contact jeweler, you may be able to sue...


Assuming you can indeed prove the switch, your remedy would be in court for the difference in value. You would first need to write a demand letter to the jeweler to see if he/she or his/her insurer will pay the claim.


Sue them for conversion, assuming you have monetary loss.


Report the alleged crime to police.

File suit for damages IF you can prove what you claim.

What degree do you need to be an art therapist?

What degree do you need to be an art therapist?
Hi. As far as I know there is no 'Art Therapy' course in Australia but im not sure of other countries.There are a few ideas that I could suggest- you could study the bachelor of art and do a graduate course into psychology, or study the bachelor of psychology and do a graduate course in art. Best to contact the university you want to study at to find out what graduate courses they have and how to get into them. What do you prefer more- art or psychology?Alternatively, you could go to tafe or a private tafe college. I know tafe offers cert iv. in counselling and communication - so this would give you the foundations in psychology if you wanted to study art at university?The best way to figure this out is to research 'Art therapy' and get in touch with an Art Therapist. They'll be able to tell you about what they had to do and had to study to get where they are. A hospital or community health (employer of art therapist) may also help. 'job guide' may also be able to help you- it explains a bit about what the career is and 'appropriate courses'. Also, if your still at school- a career counsellor might also be able to help.Best of luck and enjoy! It sounds like a rewarding course! kaz 24

my boyfriend has been trying to get child support to take his payments out of his check.when we first contacted child support and filled out...


my boyfriend has been trying to get child support to take his payments out of his check.

when we first contacted child support and filled out the paperwork back in november the office told us that it would take atleast 4-6 weeks. when january came around no payments were being taken out and so he called the case worker working on his case and she said that he has a court date in march for not paying the child support.

they failed to send him a letter and so his kids mom confirmed that she recieved a notice for court and so immediately he payed child support for the month of january and we also spent 300 dollars on his 2 kids christmas gifts. now its in march we have to go to court in 3 days and just now 2 days ago child support just sends out the paperwork to his job and now they will finally start taking out 140/2weeks and we have court in 3 days... so my question is if the judge sees the records and proof that hes been contacting child support since november and its basically their fault that everything is getting set up slow then will he serve any time for not paying even though he has payed a payment and helps his kids mom out whenever he can and she has agreed that she will also be in court to attest to that. he does want to pay child support and see his children on the regular and be apart of their lives and we just dont know what to expect when we go to court. have you ever seen a case like this and if so what can you tell me about the possible outcome and what can we bring to make it easier on him and show the judge he is serious and not a dead beat father???


Your boyfriend is in trouble (and should have seen a lawyer a long time ago).

He committed a crime. Going to the child support office is NOT enough. Whether or not any order is in place, he was required by Georgia law to pay support at least once every thirty days. When they didn't take out anything in November ad December, did your boyfriend think he could get away with not paying?

I'd STRONGLY suggest he pay those amounts before court and bring proof to Court. That may help.

I'd also suggest he see a lawyer. If he wants visitation and other things that will NOT happen in a child support case and he needs to address that separately.

20th ceramics a fine-art medium?

20th ceramics a fine-art medium?
Entertainment in WW2:
Cinema, at first cinemas were closed by the government at the start of the war, but the government realised how important cinemas were, so they re opened, showing films about the war keeping people informed (or misinformed) and using propaganda, also showing people how to behave, some films showed how people coped with the loss of family members in air raids, and reminded people to keep quiet about information incase of German spies.
there were three main singers in WW2, which kept morale high,
Vera Lynn (the nations sweetheart)
Gracie Fields
Anne shelton
Radio stations were also used to boost morale, the most popular one at the time, was "its that man again" up to 40% of Britain listened to this.

How not cool is LACHY?

How not cool is LACHY?
really uncool

If I live in Texas and my ex husband moved to Florida and is hiding from the Attorney General, which state is the best to get a lawyer for h...


If I live in Texas and my ex husband moved to Florida and is hiding from the Attorney General, which state is the best to get a lawyer for help with back child support, current child support, medical bills, and a review?

He stopped paying child support and is hiding. Attorney general has spent a year trying to find him. I am disabled and my daughter is Jr in high school. He owers 40,000 back support, medical bills, and his income has increased substancially, he is an owner operator, so he is able to hide his income. I recently found him on facebook, so I contacted him explaining my situation and ask him for help. He made it very clear that he was not going to pay. It has got to the point where I have to do something. I don't have money for a lawyer but I am hoping to get one on contingency. I just need to know if its better to get one where he lives, in order to find him.


Get a lawyer in Florida.

You CAN find agencies in Florida that will take your case on a contingent fee.

I recently ordered a couple items from an online site. I've used this site many times in the past and never had any problems before, however...


I recently ordered a couple items from an online site. I've used this site many times in the past and never had any problems before, however this time after the the usual shipping time had past and not recieving the items, I wrote them an email questioning the status of the order. I never got a reply. I wrote a second email. I never got a reply. I wrote a third email from a different email account. Once again, no reply. By now I was pretty fed up but having been happy with the site before I was still reasonable. So I tried calling the phone number provided on the site several times, during their normal business hours and never got anyone. I left my phone number and email address on their answering machine and still have had no response. By now I'm wondering what I can legally do?


Write them a letter and send it via certified mail or via UPS/FedEx so that you can prove that you sent the letter and that they got it. Send it to the corporate address to a person who is high enough up the corporate ladder to care and do something about your problem. It takes some work to get the name of a person - you want someone who handles customer relations or operations ideally. Sending to the CEO may work if no one else is available. You may have to do some sleuthing to get the corporate address.

Within 60 days after the charges appear on your credit card statement, you can dispute them. Your credit card company will want to see evidence that you tried to work it out with the merchant so that is why you need to do the letter. Email generally is not good enough and if you are getting close to the 60 day deadline, send the letter to the company and copy your credit card company.

If you used a debit card, you don't get the same dispute rights generally, but I heard there was a move afoot to have debit cards treated the same way as a credit card so talk to your bank and see what they can do for you.

Either way, shut down your debit or credit card as you want no further charges from this company.

If you cannot dispute this or the dispute is not upheld, I can send a letter for you for a reasonable fee. If that still does not work, if the amount is under $5000 AND the company is located in NC, you can sue the company in small claims in the county where they are located or where their registered agent is located. If the amount is over $5000 or if they are not in NC, then you will need a lawyer and go to regular district or superior court. If NC has jurisdictional ties, you can sue in NC, but if they don't or if they do not own any property here in NC, you may want to go to the state where they are located.

If this is an overseas company, forget it. You will not get your money back as it will be virtually impossible and not worth the expense to collect. This is not a contigency fee case and you generally cannot recover counsel fees unless authorized by a contract between you and them or authorized by some statute or rule.

If you cannot collect, go on every single consumer website you can find and complain. Stick to facts like "I ordered merchandise and never got it" and "the company refused to refund my money or send the merchandise." Go on facebook and twitter (see if they have a facebook or twitter page) and complain there as well. If the company is a semi decent US company that should get their attention.

If you want me to send a letter or discuss the specifics of your case, you can contact me at [email protected]/* */

Can you be sued if you suggest an idea to a business owner and the idea is a failure?


Can you be sued if you suggest an idea to a business owner and the idea is a failure?


You can always be sued if you can find a lawyer who will bring a nonfrivolous claim. However, bad ideas are not generally actionable without some unlawful conduct associated with the suggestion.

Can the biological father of my 1yr 3yr old step daughters get joint custody with my wife have over night visitation rights if he doesn'...


Can the biological father of my 1yr & 3yr old step daughters get joint custody with my wife & have over night visitation rights if he doesn't have his own place & sleep in the same room & bed with both of them with out being able to provied any privacy or their own room?


Maybe. Absent a factor that would endanger the children, no one thing is going to control a custody and visitation order. Significant and regular time with both parents is favored, as is joint responsibility which means at least joint legal custody. What will happen in any particular case, however, involves weighing too many factors to list.

if i bought my house before i got married, put in a lot of money that i paid for it alone, got married after only been married for 1 year. h...


if i bought my house before i got married, put in a lot of money that i paid for it alone, got married after only been married for 1 year. house its under my name and a relative. iam now getting a divorce, does my wife get anything from the house?


Maybe but not much. You should go over the facts with an experienced family law attorney.


It would be a very small amount, unless you did major improvements/renovations during the marriage using earnings during the marriage.

My daughter is 18 and my child support order which was issued in 2000 that does not have an end date as to when I no longer have to pay chil...


My daughter is 18 and my child support order which was issued in 2000 that does not have an end date as to when I no longer have to pay child support- yet I received a notice in the mail from MA DOR stating that I have to pay until the age of 21??? Is that true? She has been estranged from me for over 9 years due to her mother and I have been told that my daughter is living with her boyfriend and from I have been told is not enrolled as a FT student and I do not know if she is working. How can I determine if she even meets the factors for continuing child support for the next 3 years?


it she is not a full time student, then you should file for a modification. And given the facts, you should seek correct involvement.

one you file an action, you could summons records and/or conduct discovery.

I am renting a house that was recently renovated. There is a 3 season room on the side of the house that my landlord has said he would fix. ...


I am renting a house that was recently renovated. There is a 3 season room on the side of the house that my landlord has said he would fix. The roof is leaking, he has temporarily braced up the roof. I have been in this house now 1 1/2 years and still he has not done anything. I texted him the other day to inquire about him working on it this spring, he ignored me. Do I have any legal recourse? I am paying for 200 sq ft of room that i can not use.

Thank you for your time


It's a breach of the warranty of habitability. You are entitled to a rebate in rent already paid and an abatement of the rent going forward. But you have to be ready to move when the lease is up However, leaky residences have this nasty tendency to develop mold which can make you sick. Certainly a landlord who does not wish to lose his shirt will respond quickly if you can find black mold in the moist areas. Just be careful, because some of those molds can kill you or make you very ill.

My car wont start at all i turned all of the lights off before i exited my vehicle now it wont start up what should i do and it is a 1986 Grand Marqis?

My car wont start at all i turned all of the lights off before i exited my vehicle now it wont start up what should i do and it is a 1986 Grand Marqis?
First off check your starter to see if it hasn't went out and make sure your battery isn't dead lights isn't the only thing that kills your battery

RE: landlord/tenant - Our old landlord is holding $700 of our security deposit. Her written lease say that within 10 days after tenant has v...

If I have a roofer by trade re-roof my house as a "side job" for him. And he does not carry liability insurance for himself - he only has li...


If I have a roofer by trade re-roof my house as a "side job" for him. And he does not carry liability insurance for himself - he only has liability insurance through his regular roofing company he works for which would not cover him on a job he is doing that is not through the company. Can I have him sign a agreement that I draw up that we are not liable if he gets hurt, falls, etc? Would this be binding agreement if something were to happen? Maybe something won't happen but we just don't want to be liable or sued. Thank you.


It is important to discuss the matter confidentially. You should call me at 810-227-7200 for direct advice on this matter.

Jules N. Fiani

Attoney at Law

1997 Mazda millenia 2.5 ac does not drip water when car is parked Cabin air temp OK but humid Interior glass fogs quickly Is it possible to find ac drain hose?

1997 Mazda millenia 2.5 ac does not drip water when car is parked Cabin air temp OK but humid Interior glass fogs quickly Is it possible to find ac drain hose?
you probably need to change cabin filter, I had same problem on another car, so that is my best bet

What does she's a meter across the hips mean?

What does she's a meter across the hips mean?
It means that whoever 'she' is, has got big hips.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

What is the chance of a car crashing?

What is the chance of a car crashing?

What are the release dates for Hawaii Five-O - 1968 The Miracle Man 11-11?

What are the release dates for Hawaii Five-O - 1968 The Miracle Man 11-11?
Hawaii Five-O - 1968 The Miracle Man 11-11 was released on:

USA: 21 December 1978

I work for a county government as a emergency responder. Is it legal to cut a person's hourly wage? Ever or without informing them? Thank yo...


I work for a county government as a emergency responder. Is it legal to cut a person's hourly wage? Ever or without informing them? Thank you.



No, not unless it violates the employee's contract or collective bargaining agreement with the county (if there be such)---in my opinion.

A friend has a case and the police are using shoe print evidenceWhen his attorney asked for expert reports the police said the electrostatic...


A friend has a case and the police are using shoe print evidence

When his attorney asked for expert reports the police said the electrostatic impression that was lifted has disappeared from the Mylar lift .

I told him to be sure to have his attorney file a motion to dismiss or surpress because it could have been excolpotory evidence .

Am I carrect ?


Yes a motion to suppress/dismiss should be filed both for exculpatory evidence under Brady, but possibly state misconduct/negligence.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

What are some motor vehicles in Brazil?

What are some motor vehicles in Brazil?
some vehicles in brazil are the vw beetle the vw polo and more

Is simply viewing animal porn on the internet illegal?What are the bestiality laws in California?


Is simply viewing animal porn on the internet illegal?What are the bestiality laws in California?


Different states define bestiality differently. In California viewing images of bestiality is not criminalized. Penal Code 286.5 says that a person who sexually assaults any animal for the purpose of arousing or gratifying the sexual desire of the person is guilty of a misdemeanor.

Hello, can my son who is mentally disabled claim compensation for injuries for an accident he may be negligent on the premise that he was un...


Hello, can my son who is mentally disabled claim compensation for injuries for an accident he may be negligent on the premise that he was unable to use reasonable care? He was confused and riding his bicycle on a major highway and was hit head on by a vehicle driving the speed limit (I believe). he suffered major injuries including a broken cervical, sternum, and ribs. He was hospitalized at county medical hospital and then transferred to a county mental hospital for 2 weeks. He was discharged with a diagnosis of Schizophrenia, bi polar disorder, and major depression?

Solano County California


Yes, possibly. You need to have the facts of the case analyzed by a qualifed attorney who can help determine where compensation may be available.


Yes, he might be able to. The driver of the automobile might have been negligent as well. It's called comparative negligence.


UNLESS the driver was at least partially at fault your son will be responsible. Lacking mental capacity by your son does not make another party/driver liable absent that driver's negligence. Sorry. Bob Worth


I'm sorry to hear about your son's ordeal. Sadly, though, I agree with Mr. Worth. The other driver is only liable if she was at least partly at fault for the accident. Perhaps she was; you should not presume that she wasn't. But your question suggests that she did nothing wrong. That your son may have been unable to use reasonable care does not change this analysis.

Note that, even if the driver was blameless, it's possible that someone else is partly to blame. For all I know, a mechanical problem with the car (or even with your son's bicycle) contributed to the accident. There may be other issues worth looking into. Like Mr. Selik, I encourage you to discuss the case in detail with a qualified attorney. Most likely, though, there won't be any grounds for a claim against anyone else.

I wish I could be more encouraging.

Why does car air conditioner get warm when car is idling?

Why does car air conditioner get warm when car is idling?
because the compressor isn't getting enough tourque

Which organization regulates the information a used car dealer must provide on all used cars?

Which organization regulates the information a used car dealer must provide on all used cars?
federal trade comision

What are some expensive car manufacturers that are not too well known?

What are some expensive car manufacturers that are not too well known?

What does partie remise mean in English?

What does partie remise mean in English?
Literally, it means that a game is postponed, a way to express that something is only delayed and will be (or could be) done later. On an ironic tone, it also means that the score will be settled later.

I curently live in the state of Arizona. I am paying 400$ a month for child support. I am joining the Marine Corps in a few months and i kno...


I curently live in the state of Arizona. I am paying 400$ a month for child support. I am joining the Marine Corps in a few months and i know my salery will be way less than the current. My question is. What do i have to do to change the amount i pay for child support? Or does it automaticly change one I join the military?


Yes, you can petition the court for a change in settlement if you can back it up with proof of a lower income. You should get a lawyer to help you. Feel free to call me.


IT DOES NOT AUTMOATICALLY CHANGE. You need to file a Petition. And, since child support cannot be modified retroactively, every month you wait is a month you lose.

I realize this response is very delayed. I had been out of the LAWGURU response mode for awhile.

However, if you still desire such, we can certainly help you consider and then pursue your options. This is obviously a very important matter, and you should not go in alone.

One of our attorneys can explain the issues and procedures better in person. As you can imagine, there is too much to cover via email. We offer free 1/2 hour consultations, in which we can discuss your matter in detail.

Please call us directly to discuss the specifics of your matter, or contact my assistant Alicia or my paralegal Jennifer to schedule your free 1/2 hour consultation.

/s/ Rich J. Peters

R.J. Peters & Assoc., P.C.

1422 North 2nd Street, Suite 100

Phoenix, Arizona 85004


facsimile 602-254-1229

see our website at www.familylawaz.com

What is the fastest car in the world 123?

What is the fastest car in the world 123?
a Ford Taurus

What are classes of ballroom dancing?

What are classes of ballroom dancing?
Ballroom dancing is a two person dance where historically it is called ballroom because large rooms were created specifically for dancing.
It usually consists of sever different types of dances such as the fox trot or other popular dances that were made famous by Vernon and Irene Castle.
Personally I view it as a very elegant form a dancing simply because there has to be a lot of precision and accurate steps which make the rhythm of the dancing very lovely. One example of this is Ginger Rogers and Fred Astair which were infamous in the movie realm for their unique dancing in the 1930's films. It's a spectacle to watch and I highly advise you to see a movie staring them because you'll fall in love and would make you want to dance just like them


My question is, if two people make a contract and write it down and both sign it and date it, is this legally binding for both parties or do...


My question is, if two people make a contract and write it down and both sign it and date it, is this legally binding for both parties or does it have to be witnessed


Witness not required.

What movie did Zoe Saldana perform nude in?

What movie did Zoe Saldana perform nude in?
So far none

Will Tyson kidd be in WWE 13?

Will Tyson kidd be in WWE 13?
no go on wwe games and you will see x-pac john cena and epico and more it is awesome but no tyson kidd isent in wwe 13

I have a very unusual problem. I work in the Financial Planning and Securities Industry, and am well trained on measures to protect clients'...


I have a very unusual problem. I work in the Financial Planning and Securities Industry, and am well trained on measures to protect clients' privacy, and I am also keenly aware of the importance of identity protection, having worked wth clients who have had their identities and privacy comprised through a variety of methods.

My wife is a Facebook addict. She posts everything we do and everywhere we go on facebook for hundreds of people to see every day. As I am concerned about my own privacy, I have also been involved in several legal disputes in the past related to business dealings, and I have told her not to post any pictures of me or details of our activities that involve me on her Facebook. Lastly, any references to the nature of my business can be considered "advertising" by the regulators which could create compliance issues for me. I told my wife that doing so is a violation of my privacy and would prefer that details of my daily activities not be posted. She has ignored this.

Are there any legal means I may employ to force my wife to exclude me from her postings ?, since this "addiction" has caused her to ignore my request. My personal information should be shared as I see fit, and due to my business I am concerned that she will post something that may cause me difficulties. Sharing my personal information with the general public through the Internet should be my choice.

This addiction has actually caused me enough concern and as to consider Divorce.

Thank you.


Your problem - Internet/Social Network Addiction - in the context of a marriage has become quite prevalent in cases we are handling in the office. Some issues have cause marital breakups and divorce and affected jobs.

The best advice would be to not tell your spouse anything about your work going forward - unless it is public information. What she already knows it is too late to protect.

There are a few situations in which an Internet provider or Webpage host will disable or remove contact but they involve serious privacy concerns. More would need to be known to make that determination.

Please call for an appointment if you are interested in discussing your matter further.

Disclaimer: Your question and any response given are not intended to create an attorney-client relationship. The response given is not intended to be relied upon by you or anyone else as it is based only on the limited information which you have provided. Other information is needed before advice can be given including facts which you have not supplied which may change the response to your question. You should consult with an attorney as soon as possible to assess your legal rights so as not to prejudice yourself.

A friend of mine was with some friends of his while they were out drinking, he was not drinking and I guess that they were busted. he didn't...


A friend of mine was with some friends of his while they were out drinking, he was not drinking and I guess that they were busted. he didn't consume and of the alcohol and he didn't own any of it. He was still charged with a minor in possession and now has a fine to pay(Which means I have a fine to pay). But, it seems to me that they shouldn't be able to charge him for something like that. Answers?


In this context, to "possess" an item means to have it in one's possession, custody or control. The charge does not mean, or even suggest, that you own the item.

It is easy to possess alcohol that you aren't drinking and don't own. If I hand you my beer and you take it, you're in possession of alcohol. So even if your friend merely held someone else's drink for a while, he's guilty.

Prosecutors often won't charge someone for just holding a drink, but the decision is theirs. They are much more likely to charge someone who they see as a troublemaker. Or they might believe he really was drinking. They might even be right.

And I have no idea why you feel you have to pay your friend's fine.

What happens after the defeat of darius in nfs carbon?

What happens after the defeat of darius in nfs carbon?
You beat the game and you get a Audi R8 in Quick Race Mode.

if a person has a warrant out for their arrest for violating a felony probation and they hide until their probation expires will they still ...


if a person has a warrant out for their arrest for violating a felony probation and they hide until their probation expires will they still have to do time if they are found and will they get more time for running?


In Illinois probation does not run once a violation has been filed.


You will still have a warrant for your arrest.

This will have to be dealt with at some time. There is no running from this.

Are there any good outside things to do in Adelaide?

Are there any good outside things to do in Adelaide?
danyon christie

How many people are in the cimorelli family?

How many people are in the cimorelli family?
There are 13 people in total. 2 parents, 6 girls and 5 boys. Mom, Dad, Mike, Christina, Katherine, Lisa, Amy, Alex, Lauren, Dani, Christian, Nick, and Joey!

I have been married for 2 years. My wife quit her job and trying to get disibility. If I divorce do I have to pay alimoney


I have been married for 2 years. My wife quit her job and trying to get disibility. If I divorce do I have to pay alimoney


Given the short length of the marriage, it's unlikely alimony would be awarded, especially if she quit her job. Did you support her during the marriage? That is the more important question. Generally, even if alimony is awarded, you are looking at 1/3 to 1/2 the length of the marriage in Colorado, so not long, but I'd need to know more facts to give you a more complete response. Hope this helps.

Should you take off your license plates when you sell your car?

Should you take off your license plates when you sell your car?
In illinois, what is the law concerning license plates taken off your car that you sold privately?

How do you tell whether a car is AWD or FWD?

How do you tell whether a car is AWD or FWD?
AWD car usually have badges saying so on the trunk (audi quatto, bmw xi/x drive) If the car has front axles only it FWD, if it has half shaft in the rear also it is awd. The owner's manual should say also.

I live in an apartment and recently had my water heater break. It caused alot of my personal belongings to get destroyed. This being my firs...


I live in an apartment and recently had my water heater break. It caused alot of my personal belongings to get destroyed. This being my first apartment I was not aware that you had to have your own renters insurance. I think I would be a little more understanding about the whole situation if my apartment would have fixed the problem the first time around. When I first moved in I was having problems with my water heater and they didnt fix the problem correctly... obviously. So I am wondering if there is anything I can do to get them to pay for the property that got water damage.


You do not describe what the problem was with the water heater. If the situation of the water being released was caused by the repair being negligently performed then the repair person is liable for your damages. The landlord would also be negligent if he/she knew or should have known the repair was defective. So you might have a remedy. Speak to the landlord and see what they are willing to do.

Can I sue a phone company if a repair tech went into my phone and into my personal account and performed activity on it without my consent? ...


Can I sue a phone company if a repair tech went into my phone and into my personal account and performed activity on it without my consent? Isn't that invasion of privacy? I dropped it off to get repaired and saw that my facebook page was not logged out and had been used. The timestamp on the facebook was at the time phone company had my phone.


Do you have damages? Did you lose money, friends, need to have counseling because you were so upset? If so, possibly.

Who is the song soul sister written about?

Who is the song soul sister written about?
It's by the hit band 'Train'.Check out the video,to.

What is the newest Bo Burnham album?

What is the newest Bo Burnham album?
Words Words Words released in October 2010

Is there a waiting period to file a petition for someone? I had filed a petition for my ex-husband, but pulled the petition before we divorc...


Is there a waiting period to file a petition for someone? I had filed a petition for my ex-husband, but pulled the petition before we divorced. I have remarried and people are telling us we have to wait before I can file a petition for him...is this true?



There is no waiting period to sponsor your current husband. General information is here: www.h1b1.com/sponsor.htm

Monday, 23 March 2015

What are the release dates for Live with Regis and Kathie Lee - 1988 - 2004-10-11?

What are the release dates for Live with Regis and Kathie Lee - 1988 - 2004-10-11?
Live with Regis and Kathie Lee - 1988 - 2004-10-11 was released on:

USA: 11 October 2004

Is Barny and children show safe to your children?

Is Barny and children show safe to your children?

What are 5 makes of cars named after famous men in Michigan?

What are 5 makes of cars named after famous men in Michigan?
I only know four of them i came across them looking for the fifth: Cadillac, Ford, Pontiac, Chrysler< Sammy hochule

The 5th one is: "Olds" Olds Motor Works, Ransome Eli Olds produced 425 Curved Dash Olds in 1901

Who is Ne-Ne Leakes?

Who is Ne-Ne Leakes?
she is is one of the real housewives of Atlant. My favorite actually.she is is one of the real housewives of Atlant. My favorite actually.

I live in Ga. And my bring home pay is only 200 dollars per week because of a garnishment. My question is can I be garnished a second time?...


I live in Ga. And my bring home pay is only 200 dollars per week because of a garnishment. My question is can I be garnished a second time? I keep reading about this calculator of 30 X min. Wage and that you can only be garnished by on collector at a time? I'm caught in. Deciding to file chap. 7 but I'm still trying to save up the money and if I'm garnished a second amount I will loose even more? Thanks for your advice


While the second creditor can't double your garnishment, prompt action on a Chapter 7 might get back some money that was already taken. In other words, you need to see a lawyer ASAP.

What was the most popular car in the 1990s?

What was the most popular car in the 1990s?
honda civic

What are the release dates for Beating the Odds - 1919?

What are the release dates for Beating the Odds - 1919?
Beating the Odds - 1919 was released on:

USA: 12 May 1919

How do you make text eyes?

How do you make text eyes?
The button that looks like this :

examples. :p :0 :) :-) :,( ;p :/

Dam ownership. Under New Jersey law, who owns a dam? The specific dam in question is for a lake. The dam is completely within privately owne...


Dam ownership. Under New Jersey law, who owns a dam? The specific dam in question is for a lake. The dam is completely within privately owned property. The lake is owned by an association. Half the lake has houses on it, the other half is state property. There is also an easement for the association on the section of the property where the dam is located, but it does not necessarily specify that the easement is for dam access.


this is a serious legal issue, and there is a lot of money involved.

give me a call, I have had some experience with lake associations and private lakes.

How much does discovery pay the brown family on Alaskan bush people?

How much does discovery pay the brown family on Alaskan bush people?
Including all shows and all family members, the estimated income is $50K per show.

What is triangle tires?

What is triangle tires?
"One of the top three..." (so I guess that makes them the third) "...strongest tire makers in China."

Full details at their web page: http://www.triangletire.com/index_english.html

What is the name of this song where the girl singer rides a bicycle around?

What is the name of this song where the girl singer rides a bicycle around?
Additional info on the question:
I think the song is indie popShe rides around some place in Europe, I thinkSome word (I think it was "Goodbye" or "Hello," I don'tremember) is translated to different languages. I remember that inone scene, the translation was written on some other girl'sshirtAt some point in the video, she ends up on a trail in the woods(there were just a lot of trees, but I don't think you could callit "woods")

Why do kids hate mE AT SCHOOL?

Why do kids hate mE AT SCHOOL?
because their lives r so borind and they are nerds

What are the release dates for Amor descarado - 2003 Vestida y alborotada - 1.88?

What are the release dates for Amor descarado - 2003 Vestida y alborotada - 1.88?
Amor descarado - 2003 Vestida y alborotada - 1.88 was released on:

USA: 7 January 2004

Why did people start knitting?

Why did people start knitting?
people like you and i in the olden days wore ani,al skin to cover there public places because they didnt than know how to make full clothes well in china they invented or discovered silk since than they sew, but an ordanary person thought hey maybe i can make clothes with needle and thread you see that why people knit today and sewing and knitting are the same just so you know

What important events happened in 1971?

What important events happened in 1971?
First live performence of Led Zepplins 'Stairway to Heaven'

How likely am I to get weekend jail for driving on suspended 3rd in five. I am the sleep provider of my family. I have 2 small children and ...


How likely am I to get weekend jail for driving on suspended 3rd in five. I am the sleep provider of my family. I have 2 small children and my wife is pregnant ( high risk pregnancy ) and is unable to work.


You thought of these things before becoming a three time repeat criminal offender. You could end up with a full year in jail and a large fine. No one can guess what will happen, except to tell you that you badly need expert counsel.


Not very likely without an attorney. Not very likely with an attorney. However, I would retain an attorney in order to put myself in the best position. Learn how plea offers are constructed by viewing my website: www.lawrencelewispc.com Good luck.

What are the Lucha Mucha Caliente codes?

What are the Lucha Mucha Caliente codes?
give me the answer you hack

I have shared parenting. My ex wants to file for custody. Can she get custody or does she have to prove me unfit parent ?


I have shared parenting. My ex wants to file for custody. Can she get custody or does she have to prove me unfit parent ?


In Ohio, the ex has to prove that 1) there has been a change in circumstances warranting the court reopening the matter of the parenting decree and 2) that the change the ex seeks is in the best interest of the child.

Shared parenting agreements most often meet their demise when 1 parent can show the court that the parents can no longer get along well enough to jointly make the important decisions involving the child.

Does an electric car convert one type of energy to another?

Does an electric car convert one type of energy to another?
The Chevy Volt uses gas to power an electric motor.

i have a notice to appear in placer county california. The last sentence says "You MUST appear at the date and time given". does the word MU...


i have a notice to appear in placer county california. The last sentence says "You MUST appear at the date and time given". does the word MUST legally mean may as it does ccording to blacks law dictionary


No. Must means "must" (as in, there is no discretion to do otherwise), at least in California. Black's says that must means "may" in only some contexts. A notice to appear is not one of those contexts.


I don't know what version of Black's you are using. But here's an easier way to think about it. "Must" means the same as when your mother said you must clean your room or you will be in big trouble.


Or another way to look at it is ... you can do whatever you like, however, a warrant will likely be issued for your arrest if you are not in court on your appearance date (or an attorney is not there for you.) In most misdemeanors, an attorney can appear for you.

When an warrant for your arrest is active in the system, this means you can be arrested at any time and your vehicle will be impounded, if you are in a vehicle when "they" find you. That is expensive, as is bail. "They" can also go to your home or work and pick you up.

In conclusion, you can do what you like, but rest assured "they" will be having the last laugh. In short, I don't recommend to blow court dates - that is never a good idea. This is not a time to try to split legal hairs. Good luck on your case!


Ms Hofmeister is correct. must MAY mean that either you must appear in person or that your attorney may appear for you. Without knowing the charges I cannot tell you whether you must appear in person or whether an attorney can appear for you.

Your best bet is to hire an attorney. Once you tell her/him what the problem is the attorney may be able to tell you whether you must appear personally. Unless this is a minor infraction you may have to appear any number of times on the matter An attorney may be able to appear without you at least on some of the dates, But only if you have an attorney.

How do you make coind turn into yocash?

How do you make coind turn into yocash?
Take your coins to the bank and have them exchange them for CASH. If you do not have a bank some Grocer's (Market, Pamida, King supers, City market, Safway,) have coin exchange machines.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Are there videos like salad fingers?

Are there videos like salad fingers?
There is. If you go to the guy who makes them website, he has a few demented ones.
Or, if you go to YouTube and type in llamas in hats, or better yet, John McCain 's vegetable friends, you get pretty dang amazing videos in my opinion. Hope this helps!

What keep you from getting shock in a car by lightening?

What keep you from getting shock in a car by lightening?
lightning is caused when the really negatively charged clouds want to get rid of the charge and so the negatively charged electrons jump from the clouds to the nuetrally charged earth, if it was to strike you car it won't get shocked because the tyres are made of non-conductive rubber,

Wage GarnishmentWhat can i do if the employer is not sending the garnishments to the Sheriffs office as instructed


Wage Garnishment

What can i do if the employer is not sending the garnishments to the Sheriffs office as instructed


Re: Wage Garnishment

It depends, I suppose, on who you are and the purpose of the garnishment. It may also depend upon whether the employer's failure to remit is unintentional or done with intent to defraud, or something else.

Garnishments can be to enforce child or spousal support orders, to enforce civil judgments, or to collect taxes due, perhaps among other things. The remedies and possible penalties differ.

The range of possible penalties and remedies includes, depending upon the circumstances, the creditor's right to bring a civil suit for damages against the employer. Possibly a small claims suit would be useful in your case. The dollar limit is now $7,500.

See Code of Civil Procedure 706.154(a) creating the creditor's right to sue the employer for failing to withhold or pay over the required sums. Other provisions make it a misdemeanor for the employer to engage in fraud. If you suspect that the employer is fraudulently sheltering this employee from loss of pay, you might want to make a police report to their white-collar crimes investigation unit.

I was involved in a small crash but i wasnt sure if the other guy in the crash reported the incident i havent heard anything from the police for nearly 2 months so do you think it was not report?

I was involved in a small crash but i wasnt sure if the other guy in the crash reported the incident i havent heard anything from the police for nearly 2 months so do you think it was not report?

What is the name of a movie that i think was a true story starring the American English teacher who goes to China but learns an ancient form of martial arts?

What is the name of a movie that i think was a true story starring the American English teacher who goes to China but learns an ancient form of martial arts?

Will bad spark plugs and plug wires make your car vibrate?

Will bad spark plugs and plug wires make your car vibrate?
Yes, bad spark pugs or plug wires can cause the engine cylinder to misfire which will cause the engine to vibrate.

I live in NY, I have joint custody of my daughter but i have her for more days than my ex wife. I was told that because I have her for more ...


I live in NY, I have joint custody of my daughter but i have her for more days than my ex wife. I was told that because I have her for more days I'm entitled to child support. Is that true?


I guess you were told by nonattorneys about their legal guesses. Most times, this is a bad idea to listen to the peanut gallery.

With that said, there is no hard and fast rule on child support when there is joint custody.

Indeed, check with the child support calculator online, which is based on the relative incomes of the parents, expenses, and the amount of time spent with each parent. Therefore, if you make more than she does, you MIGHT not be entitled to chld support.


(516)491-4610; (646)543-9529

How many gallons of water is wasted washing 1 car?

How many gallons of water is wasted washing 1 car?
You can wash a car with as little as 1 gallon when you wash by hand.

Was lena horne black or white?

Was lena horne black or white?
Lena Horne was a white women...............

What entertainment is there in Jersey Shore?

What entertainment is there in Jersey Shore?
there's everything
amusement parks
water parks

What do we need to do in order to sell some of our land in Davison county, nc?


What do we need to do in order to sell some of our land in Davison county, nc?


That's kind of a wide open question. Hire a real estate agent and find a buyer.

Can i lose my car in a chapter 7 bankruptcy. it is paid off but is my only means of transportation to and from work


Can i lose my car in a chapter 7 bankruptcy. it is paid off but is my only means of transportation to and from work


It depends on what the car is worth and whether you have sufficient exemptions (car and "wildcard") available after using them also to protect other property. The exemptions typically available in DC are usually sufficient to protect most paid off cars.

I live in Texas. My Son turns 18 this Sep and is starting his senior year. He has elected to live with his mother and I am against it. Since...


I live in Texas. My Son turns 18 this Sep and is starting his senior year. He has elected to live with his mother and I am against it. Since he turns 18 I understand that I really have no choice in the matter. She currently pays child support to me and I understand that I will have to stop it. Two questions,

Do I pay child support to her or to him?

Do they take action to modify the court's previous order is that my responsibility?


Without a court order instructing you and the mother differently, nothing changes. If your son chooses to live with the mother then it will be up to her to seek modification of child support. Otherwise the mother will continue to be under the same order requiring her to pay you support each month until he graduates.

What kinds of cars does Avis Car Rental offer?

What kinds of cars does Avis Car Rental offer?
Avis Car Rental offers quite a few different types of cars including different brands, make and models. General types of cars include subcompact, intermediate, full size, and specialty cars just to name a few.

Click the link:

at what age can i move out of my parents house in georgia if i have a job and car and stay at a place where i help pay bills?


at what age can i move out of my parents house in georgia if i have a job and car and stay at a place where i help pay bills?



Where can you buy mehndi in Miami Florida?

Where can you buy mehndi in Miami Florida?
Find yourself an Indian/South Asian shop or just ask someone who does Indian bridal makeup.

What can you do in the middle of nowhere?

What can you do in the middle of nowhere?
If you're with other people, play cards. If you're alone, sit down and enjoy the peace.

What are the release dates for Four Short Films About Love - 2003?

What are the release dates for Four Short Films About Love - 2003?
Four Short Films About Love - 2003 was released on:

USA: 2003 (San Francisco Jewish Film Festival)

What are the release dates for RCVR - 2011 Dry Weather - 1.3?

What are the release dates for RCVR - 2011 Dry Weather - 1.3?
RCVR - 2011 Dry Weather - 1.3 was released on:

USA: 27 September 2011

What stands for hp laptop?

What stands for hp laptop?
HP stands for Hewlett Packard

Hewlett and Packard are last names of people who run a technology company.

If I have proof that we were never served by a process server. And he told a judge that we were never home and a summons was sent in the mai...


If I have proof that we were never served by a process server. And he told a judge that we were never home and a summons was sent in the mail. Do we have any rights?


Your recourse very much depends on the court you are in. Failure of proper service is generally something you can use as a defense, but again I would not feel comfortable advising as to what recourse you specifically have without information on the legal matter.

What do the following acronyms mean in a workers comp case:HIANCLTSIEFCRDPTDTID


What do the following acronyms mean in a workers comp case:








Welcome to the world of workers compensaiton, where you can attend a hearing or receive paperwork and not understand a word!

HIA - Held In Abeyance - that is nothing is being done until something is provided in the future

NCLT - no compensable lost time - you didnt miss any time from work

SIE -self insured employer

FCRD - further causally related disability

PTD - permanent total disability

TID Total indutrial disability

These are great questions - feel free to contact me for more definitions

Are flying cars invented yet?

Are flying cars invented yet?
NO they haven't. But their was this recent newspaper written in Ausabout an 11 years old girl who made a plan and blueprint of aflying car, and this was just for her school project. But theteachers were impressed and the government of Aus liked the idea.They siad though it might take a long time to develop

Sgli left to servicemembers spouse 100. Servicemember had 2 children from 1st marriage. Current spouse not giving children any of the life ...


Sgli left to servicemembers spouse 100%. Servicemember had 2 children from 1st marriage. Current spouse not giving children any of the life insurance. Can they take current spouse to court for a portion of their deceased parents life insurance?


Almost certainly not. To date, all challenges to SGLI designations, which are considered the sole right of the servicemember to make, have been unsuccessful, following the Ridgway case. For details, see the extensive article, "Divorcing the Military," on the Military Retirement Benefits page of our firm website.

Who is the king of monster trucks?

Who is the king of monster trucks?
Big Foot.

My wife and I are seperating and she wants no part of the house. Im gonna refinance in just my name but I need to get her name off the Deed....


My wife and I are seperating and she wants no part of the house. Im gonna refinance in just my name but I need to get her name off the Deed. Can I use the form Quitclaim Deed?


You could but you'd need a lot more than that. To refinance with you being married the bank will want a waiver. What if she changes her mind?

If you have any questions feel free to contact me. The initial consultation is free.


I am starting a small, for-profit business which strives to address the educational issues in my area. The goal is to eventually expand into...


I am starting a small, for-profit business which strives to address the educational issues in my area. The goal is to eventually expand into a larger company but at this point it's a sole proprietorship and I am the only 'team member'. Is it legally acceptable for me to request or accept donations from the public even though I am not a non-profit organization?


Sure, as long as you disclose that you are for-profit and donations are not tax deductible. For-profit pre-schools are a classic example of for-profit entities that fund-raise. Personally I found it seriously offensive when the director of my kids' pre-school was pushing us to sell wrapping paper and do other fundraisers, while he drove a Mercedes. So I didn't give them a dime more than the monthly fee, but if you can get people to donate, and you are clear and up-front with them that you are for-profit, there is no legal reason you can't accept donations.

What percent of the 100 most common English words come from the Anglo-Saxons?

What percent of the 100 most common English words come from the Anglo-Saxons?
100% of the 100 most common English words come from the Anglo-Saxons.

What is a actavtion link?

What is a actavtion link?
When you register with a web site, they will normally email you an activation link you must click to verify you are the person who registered with the site.

If I buy time share in the Dominican Republic and now 6 mos later realize it's not what we thought can I just stop making the payments. Do t...


If I buy time share in the Dominican Republic and now 6 mos later realize it's not what we thought can I just stop making the payments. Do they have any means of coming after me and affecting my credit. A contract was signed and the terms say early termination requires paying 50% of the time share value. Can they sue me or affect my credit.


Yes. of course, the seller entity could sue you but the likelihood of that happening could depend upon many factors, none of which you've mentioned here such as whether it's a Jamaican company, U.S., or, perhaps, a multinational with access to many lawyers within the United States who might decide that you're a debtor target worth pursuing.

When I applied for my social security benefits as a veteran I was not aware that I was listed as disable. Do I need to reapply to get additi...


When I applied for my social security benefits as a veteran I was not aware that I was listed as disable. Do I need to reapply to get additional benefits


Cannot answer the question. It depends on the type of SSA benefits you are receiving. Contact SSA direct.

OK my father died in 2008. he had a house that was left in his estate. My uncle was the executor. Myself and my sister put the houses up for...


OK my father died in 2008. he had a house that was left in his estate. My uncle was the executor. Myself and my sister put the houses up for sale and it sold a month ago. After the house sold in May 16 of this year, me and my sister are supposed to spit the profits from the sale equally. My uncle who is the executor hired attorney close the estate. How long should it take for us to get our money from the sale of the house?


Thank you for adding some further detail. If your father died in 2008 then there is no excuse as to why the estate was not closed by 2010 providing that your uncle was appointed shortly after your father died.

Again, if the house was sold a month ago, I do not understand why the sale proceeds have to go into the estate at all here. You would have to speak to the attorney who handled the real estate closing on the house. Did the attorney send the money to the estate and if so, why?

Beyond that, my prior advice stands. You should still have an attorney review the estate file to see what has or has not been done. Its not possible to give you a definitive answer without knowing what has been done. If the uncle did nothing until only recently, then it can take awhile. On the other hand, if tax approval has been given and the inventory filed then this should be wrapped up fairly quickly as your uncle would just have to file the final accounting and send a copy to you. If no objections are filed, then the confirmation hearing could be as soon as the court/clerk can hear it.

Can a lawyer request money from his or her clients 401k plan at the clients request to catch up on bills such as mortgage payments before th...


Can a lawyer request money from his or her clients 401k plan at the clients request to catch up on bills such as mortgage payments before they get too far behind?


Whether money can be withdrawn from a 401K depends on whether the plan language permits such withdrawals or loans. You would not need a lawyer to make such a request. Some plans allow it, Many do not.

Be aware that the tax penalty for some withdrawals is enormous (often 40% or more) so see a CPA before doing this. In other words, it may not be a good idea even if you can.


I am not sure that I understand the question.

If you owe money to the lawyer, the lawyer is not a bank and should not be fronting the costs of litigation for you. Its not illegal and if that is your only source of funds, then it would be a reasonable request for the lawyer to ask for payment of his or her earned fees.

On the other hand, if you are behind on your bills, then you need to consider your situation. You are taking exempt funds (meaning that the creditors usually cannot touch IRAs or pensions if they get a judgment against you) and applying them to your mortgage. If you are falling behind, maybe you need a modification. Or maybe you need to file bankruptcy. Before you take out funds, speak to a housing counselor (you can locate them through www.hud.gov) if you are in financial straits.

However, I have real problems if a lawyer is asking to borrow funds from you to catch up on the lawyer's mortgage and other bills. This is a sign that the lawyer is in trouble and needs help. A lawyer should NEVER take the client's property. If that is what the lawyer is doing, then you need to fire the lawyer.

If you decide to withdraw the funds, what Attorney Ashman says is correct. If you are under 59 1/2 years of age, there is going to be a tax penalty of 10% on early withdrawals. I also do not know if taxes have been paid on the income or not. If not, then it would be a good idea to withhold 20% for the IRS and extra for the state so you do not get hit with a tax bill next year.

My wife's grandfather passed away this year and her father passed away years ago. her aunt and uncle are splitting up my wife's fathers part...


My wife's grandfather passed away this year and her father passed away years ago. her aunt and uncle are splitting up my wife's fathers part and i think it might go to her and her brother. also her aunt had the will changed about 2 years ago and i do not think her grandfather know what was going on is there a way to see the old will and the new one with out her aunt knowing.


If you have access to it, sure. Otherwise, an old will is revoked by the new will. You can challenge the persons competency or can argue undue influence. Visit kliszlaw.com to discuss further. Tim Klisz


Call for advice at 810-227-7200. I would be happy to speak with you.

Jules N. Fiani

What are the release dates for Man Caves - 2007 Steakhouse Cave - 8.4?

What are the release dates for Man Caves - 2007 Steakhouse Cave - 8.4?
Man Caves - 2007 Steakhouse Cave - 8.4 was released on:

USA: 7 October 2011

What does Tyler look for in a woman?

What does Tyler look for in a woman?
T and A

hi, if someone put pictures of my 13 month old son on facebook or any other social networking site, and i asked them a number of times in th...


hi, if someone put pictures of my 13 month old son on facebook or any other social networking site, and i asked them a number of times in the past 2 weeks to take them down and the response i got back was "fuck off" or "no, i will do what i want it's my page!", what can i do about that?


1. notify facebook of the TOS violation and have him banned for all time

2. sue the basset


I agree with #1, not sure if there is merit to #2. It depends upon language used when picture was posted. This is a response to an Internet question and the reply is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be legal advice or as creating an attorney-client relationship. Missing or additional facts could result in different conclusions.

If a family member buy the house of a diseased parent can the state Medicade still take any of the money?


If a family member buy the house of a diseased parent can the state Medicade still take any of the money?


If the family member buys it for less than fair market value or within three years of the person's death, Medicaid or Medicare can seek reimbursement. Also, there are the proceeds of the sale to be considered. The diseased person should consult directly with an estate planning attorney in their area. Many offer a free or low cost initial consultation.

Good luck

Code c1185 replace module then I knew about the relearn and when I started to take off the car stopped and would not stay running. Checked all fuses and the only thing that is not working is the fuel?

Code c1185 replace module then I knew about the relearn and when I started to take off the car stopped and would not stay running. Checked all fuses and the only thing that is not working is the fuel?
Say what? Replace module?? Oh brother! Why would someone replace module in the first place?! Because the module was bad. 34 years auto mech.