Tuesday, 24 March 2015

I have a very unusual problem. I work in the Financial Planning and Securities Industry, and am well trained on measures to protect clients'...


I have a very unusual problem. I work in the Financial Planning and Securities Industry, and am well trained on measures to protect clients' privacy, and I am also keenly aware of the importance of identity protection, having worked wth clients who have had their identities and privacy comprised through a variety of methods.

My wife is a Facebook addict. She posts everything we do and everywhere we go on facebook for hundreds of people to see every day. As I am concerned about my own privacy, I have also been involved in several legal disputes in the past related to business dealings, and I have told her not to post any pictures of me or details of our activities that involve me on her Facebook. Lastly, any references to the nature of my business can be considered "advertising" by the regulators which could create compliance issues for me. I told my wife that doing so is a violation of my privacy and would prefer that details of my daily activities not be posted. She has ignored this.

Are there any legal means I may employ to force my wife to exclude me from her postings ?, since this "addiction" has caused her to ignore my request. My personal information should be shared as I see fit, and due to my business I am concerned that she will post something that may cause me difficulties. Sharing my personal information with the general public through the Internet should be my choice.

This addiction has actually caused me enough concern and as to consider Divorce.

Thank you.


Your problem - Internet/Social Network Addiction - in the context of a marriage has become quite prevalent in cases we are handling in the office. Some issues have cause marital breakups and divorce and affected jobs.

The best advice would be to not tell your spouse anything about your work going forward - unless it is public information. What she already knows it is too late to protect.

There are a few situations in which an Internet provider or Webpage host will disable or remove contact but they involve serious privacy concerns. More would need to be known to make that determination.

Please call for an appointment if you are interested in discussing your matter further.

Disclaimer: Your question and any response given are not intended to create an attorney-client relationship. The response given is not intended to be relied upon by you or anyone else as it is based only on the limited information which you have provided. Other information is needed before advice can be given including facts which you have not supplied which may change the response to your question. You should consult with an attorney as soon as possible to assess your legal rights so as not to prejudice yourself.

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