Tuesday, 28 April 2015

i need a document to my manufacturers so they cannot solicit my employees or do anything to create circimventing my staff away from me anti ...


i need a document to my manufacturers so they cannot solicit my employees or do anything to create circimventing my staff away from me anti recruiting, anti solicitation and they are not to supply reps information to any other company. - can you please hel pme with form - we are nationwide


You need more than just a dime-store printed form. This document needs to be drafted by a knowledgeable attorney who has to obtain background information from you. Don't be afraid to make a small investment in quality work, which will save you headaches and troubles down the road.

Why does the game end so tragically?

Why does the game end so tragically?
jumanji is so tragicallly drama have u ever play it i saw the movie did u?

I have recently had someone file a Copyright and Intellectual Property claim against a digital product that I sell on online. This digital p...


I have recently had someone file a Copyright and Intellectual Property claim against a digital product that I sell on online. This digital product was created and designed by me. This person is claiming that I am infringing on his rights for the trademark brand of the products he sells.

I have tried justifying my defense as descriptive. My digital product is descriptive, but does not make reference to a brand.

What are my rights to selling a digital sheet that I have created?


You have not supplied enough information to answer your question, nor do I think you could in this forum. Your case is VERY fact intensive. You need to sit down with an intellectual property attorney to discuss the matter. You should know that, unlike most personal injury attorneys, most IP attorneys do NOT offer "free consultations" for IP matters. You should get rates up front and find out what an hour of time will cost you.

What year did skillet sign a contract?

What year did skillet sign a contract?
In 1996, Skillet signed a contract with ForeFront Records and released their self titled debut album Skillet.

What is the full detailed information ingredients inside a golf ball?

What is the full detailed information ingredients inside a golf ball?
pastachious and a mixture of formal dried fruits that make my eyes bulge

What are the release dates for Operation Repo - 2007 Raising the Roof 10-8?

What are the release dates for Operation Repo - 2007 Raising the Roof 10-8?
Operation Repo - 2007 Raising the Roof 10-8 was released on:

USA: 1 August 2012

Can a lawyer withdraw thier representation in a custody case, without approval from the client, during the client's bankruptcy proceedure?


Can a lawyer withdraw thier representation in a custody case, without approval from the client, during the client's bankruptcy proceedure?

Why does the engine cut out when braking to slow down after the cars gone over 40mph doesn't do it on slower driving?

Why does the engine cut out when braking to slow down after the cars gone over 40mph doesn't do it on slower driving?
its the trany going out.

About 4 weeks ago I was rear ended by an uninsured unlicensed driver. He didn't even attempt to stop at the red light, and slammed into me...


About 4 weeks ago I was rear ended by an uninsured & unlicensed driver. He didn't even attempt to stop at the red light, and slammed into me. My car was totaled. I do have uninsured drivers coverage on my policy. The adjuster came out, looked at my car, and we came to a fair price as to what it was worth, I was given a check for that. I was also told that my insurance company would take care of my medical bills up to $2,000. If my medical bills exceeded that amount, they will take care of it, and then sue the driver who hit me for the remaining amount. I was then told that I am also entitled to something above and beyond what has been given to me already, for pain/suffering/time lost/etc (which they would write the check to me, and then sue the guy). I was told that the negotiations would start at $500 (and that it would not go below $500). I was told that I need to take a couple of weeks and think about everything that I have been through and to come up with a dollar amount. I don't want to go too high but I also don't want to go too low. I still haven't found a car, my boyfriend/family/friends have had to take me to work (causing more wear on their cars), doctor appointments, they have had to re-arrange their schedules, it has caused fights between family/friends/my boyfriend. There is a lot that has happened. I have had to push back going back to college. I guess I just need some advice on where to start with an amount. Others have said $8,000 and then from there, and that the worst they could do is come back with a lower amount. We just don't want them to feel like we are trying to get too much from them, and then drop us from the policy. Does anyone have advice?


The information provided is insufficient as you do not indicate the diagnosis, the prognosis, the medical expenses to date, lost wages, etc. Hire an attorney. If your car was not a total, you would not try to fix it yourself. Similarly, anyone with a major injury from a car accident should not try to handle it themselves either. You are at a decided disadvantage goimg up aganst a trained adjustor.

A friend was sentenced to 90 days (which was served) and 1 year probation for a felony burglary of an unoccupied structure. He now is VOP an...


A friend was sentenced to 90 days (which was served) and 1 year probation for a felony burglary of an unoccupied structure. He now is VOP and no bond. He also is VOP for a misdemeanor with bond. Will he get jail time or reinstated probation. No priors and he has a full time job.


Contact an attorney to review the facts of both cases.

If he picked up a new case while on Probation chances are he will get some jail time for the case for which he was first placed on probation. Furthermore he may face mandatory prison time base on his score sheet.

This matter requires a consultation and full review of the case. The judge will look to the facts of his case and the reasons for the violation.

Consult with an attorney.

Natalie Hall, Esq.

[email protected]/* */

(407) 412-7035


Not enough info. to provide a legal opinion. Jail time may not be ordered...depends on the nature of the violation. It is advantageous that he had no priors...hopefully, no prior VOP also. If my office can be of any assistance, please givve us a call. Tom R.

I recently was conivcted for a DUI. I was 20yrs old when it happened. But I turned 21 two months later and was convicted. Any possible way t...


I recently was conivcted for a DUI. I was 20yrs old

when it happened. But I turned 21 two months later and was convicted. Any possible way to ask for a restricted license?


An attorney may help you get a critical need license. It would be a good idea to contact my office to discuss. 818-984-2242.

How do you sign over parental rights and do you still have to pay child support because the mother don't want you in child life and you pay ...


How do you sign over parental rights and do you still have to pay child support because the mother don't want you in child life and you pay child support and plus send mother money on side cause she say she need stuff for chold but if you don't the mother wont let you talk to child


You can not sign away parental rights sua sponte or on your own motion. The mother would need to seek to have your parental rights terminated. If that happens - you can agree to it or fight it. If your rights are terminated you do not have to pay child support. However, if your concern is that you are paying child support and the mother will not let you see the child without you kicking in a little extra cash - then you should consider going to court to force her to provide you reasonable visitation (assuming you are a suitable person to have visitation). From your description she is basically using the child to extort additional money from you.

If my mom is going into a nursing home and still has a large loan on her property could someone come in and offer a short sale since she wil...


If my mom is going into a nursing home and still has a large loan on her property could someone come in and offer a short sale since she will be on medicaid?


Medicaid doesn't care about the sale unless clearly inadequate offer is made and accepted in an attempt to shelter her assets.

My husband and I are currently in the middle of a contested divorce (he committed adultery, abandoned his children for six monthes, and fath...


My husband and I are currently in the middle of a contested divorce (he committed adultery, abandoned his children for six monthes, and fathered a child during this time). We have been seperated for about a year and a half, and he refuses to sign the papers, because he wants to be able to claim at least one of our two children on income taxes, even though he only sees them a few times every other month, has never called them or shown up for holidays, and never even attempts to see them on his designated Thursday visitations. I recently found out that he bought a house for him and his mistress. My question is, since there is no thing as a legal separation in the state of Texas, would this new house be considered community property if his name is on the mortgage? Am I entitled to any compensation since he bought this house while we are still married?


Any assets purchased during the marriage are presumed to be community property. If this is a contested divorce, you have an attorney. You should tell your attorney about this.


I agree with the other attorney. You need to tell your attorney. I assume that you live in Harris County. The judges in Harris County hear cases like yours all the time - your case is not unusual -- sorry.

I assume that your case will eventually be sent to mediation. I recommend that you try to resolve this case at mediation. There are many excellent mediators in the Houston area. Get a "strong" mediator & try to settle this case. It would be the best thing for your kids.

My ex husband is refusing to provide documentation supporting what is actual annual income is -- his w2 also includes his bonus. I have aske...


My ex husband is refusing to provide documentation supporting what is actual annual income is -- his w2 also includes his bonus. I have asked him at least 20 times to provide the check stub from his bonus so that I can see what is actually salary is. He has given me the court ordered % of his bonus every year (divorced in 2006) but no documentation -ever - he just hands me a check and says that is my portion. Child support is based on his salary which according to him has not gone up in 5 years (since he started). His W2 shows his salary over $35k more than what base salary that support is taken from - yet he refuses to show any documentation supporting that his bonus was that much.......I want to verify that child support is being taken from his correct, current salary -- Thoughts????


Does you judgment for dissolution call for him to turn over relevant financial information each year? That may be the key.


Unless your judgment provides that he has to turn over the information you are requesting, the only way you can obtain the information is by filing a Petition with the Court seeking an increase based upon your belief that his income has gone up and his refusal to turn over the requested information.

I just started a child support case, my daughters father hasn't paid not a dime lately for her. He has paid the max amount of 50$ since shes...


I just started a child support case, my daughters father hasn't paid not a dime lately for her. He has paid the max amount of 50$ since shes been here and shes 2. He doesn't attempt to do anything for her. He claims to not want kids but he went and ot another female pregnant about a year after my daughter was born. He doesn't take care of that child either. Im trying to figure out if, we where to get him to sign over his rights (said a couple times he wants to out of anger) Will he still somehow be responsible for paying child support???


He cannot give up his obligation to support, except where another man is adopting the girl. So, about the only thing he could give up is his visiting rights.

Good luck


If by "sign over his rights" you mean terminate his parental rights, this would mean that he would no longer be the legal father and would have no further rights to custody and no obligation to support. However, judge's in Missouri would not bastardize a child leaving the child with no legal father and so there would have to be another man willing to step up and adopt at the same time. Is there a current order for child support? Is there a current order for custody? If not, I would suggest you speak with an attorney about establishing a court order for support or about enforcing a current support order. Just because he chooses not to visit with his children does not mean that he isn't obligated to provide financially for their needs.


No. If your new husband adopts, after that he is no longer a fther and has no future oblligatiion.

In Georgia do both the husband and wife have to sign the new vehicle contract?


In Georgia do both the husband and wife have to sign the new vehicle contract?



My grandmother passed away recently. I know she spoke of a will, and what she wanted to leave everyone. My uncle is not wanting to give anyt...


My grandmother passed away recently. I know she spoke of a will, and what she wanted to leave everyone. My uncle is not wanting to give anything to anyone, even my mother, his sister, eldest of the two. How do we find the attorney or what process does she need to do, to get help with this? My grandmother's house will bring substantial money once it is sold.


If there is no Will and she died without a spouse, then her two children would inherit equally. Since there is a house, in order to be able to sell it there must be a probate [also, if the estate is worth more than $100,000]. Your mother needs to go and look through her mother's papers to see if she can find a Will, safety deposit box at a bank that might have the Will in it, or mention of an attorney who might have prepared a Will for her [look at her checkbook and/or credit card statements][if you are sure she used an attorney and you do not live in a very large city, send out a form letter to all the probate attorneys telling them she has died ad asking if they prepared a Will for her and that it has not yet been probated and you think the Uncle might not file it but that needs to be done]. Her brother has no right to prevent her from doing so unless he can produce and show her a Will stating that he is the executor. If he is, she should still insist on going through all the papers to see if there is a more recent Will. If he has not filed to probate the Will, she can do so.

Your mother has to be very firm with her brother. If she can not be, she needs to hire an attorney to do so and to guide her in getting the Will and probating it. normally using a local attorney is best, but it is not mandatory. I handle such matters for $100 per hour, as i am semi-retired. If you need more assistance, your mother can contact me at 510-441-2684 or e-mail me at [email protected]/* */

Good luck.

12 what is your perspective of an ideal company?

12 what is your perspective of an ideal company?
An ideal company is one that is well organized and managed. It hasfriendly employees who always work together to achieve the bestresults.

I am unemployed and have had custody of my daughter for over two years now. How can i stop being charged child support?


I am unemployed and have had custody of my daughter for over two years now. How can i stop being charged child support?


You need to file a court petition for modification of custody and support. You should contact your county bar association to find out where you can get a pro bono (free) attorney to assist you.

Monday, 27 April 2015

My husband sing over his rights, and send all the paper work back to her ex. she say she would take child support off, and she din't, its be...


My husband sing over his rights, and send all the paper work back to her ex. she say she would take child support off, and she din't, its been over a year now. Husband regrets now, and wants to see him, we live in NC his son lives in TX, what is the first step to take and do we have a case here?


need to see what he signed

was it filed ?

Where if filed

How old is rickey medlocke's daughter?

How old is rickey medlocke's daughter?

What is one hundered years?

What is one hundered years?
One hundred years is a Century.

Why shaking wheel and a grinding noise when turning left?

Why shaking wheel and a grinding noise when turning left?
Try getting a wheel alignment; & checking if ur fender is loose and rubbing the tire its happening to me but never had the time to fix it.

What are the release dates for Allegro barbaro - 1979?

What are the release dates for Allegro barbaro - 1979?
Allegro barbaro - 1979 was released on:
USA:October 1979 (Chicago International Film Festival)
Hungary:11 October 1979

So I was recently told by a lawyer on this website that my divorce can be separated from the financial/custody issues in order for the divor...


So I was recently told by a lawyer on this website that my divorce can be separated from the financial/custody issues in order for the divorce to be finalized. I am wondering about how long that process might take? Do judges typically rule on that topic quickly? Does a court date need to be set, or is this something the judge simply gets the paperwork and signs off on it?


It is done by way of a motion for bifurcation. Those take about a month, but the length of time really depends on court congestion and the exact time will vary from court to court.


A bifurcation to terminate your marital status requires that at least six months has passed since the date the petition was served upon the respondent. Please meet with an experienced family law attorney to explore your legal options.


Ms. Kock is correct that you must have waited six months from when the divorce petition was served. If that time has passed, then how long it will take depends on whether the other party will stipulate (agree in a formal court document) to have it bifurcated. If you both agree, it can be done pretty quickly, sometimes a week if the papers are all in order and the court is not too busy. No hearing is required. If the other party does not agree, then you have to do it by a noticed motion and court hearing as Mr. Roach mentioned. You would have to find out from your court how far out the are scheduling hearing dates. The minimum time would be 21 days from when you serve the motion, if you have it hand served.

My husband cosigned a student loan for her sister 5 years ago. And now he is not aware that her sister is has delinquency of payment and end...


My husband cosigned a student loan for her sister 5 years ago. And now he is not aware that her sister is has delinquency of payment and ending up he fully paid the remaining amount of the loan. but the loan company didn't take off his name after "paying off loan' and now he can't get accepted in his auto loan because it showing his credit score got affected to that student loan. My other concern too, when they sending notices of due date for that loan my husband can't able to see that letters because he is deployed in Iraq. Now we are the one who's having a hard time to get better rate for our auto loan. by the way last year his credit score is about 700+.


He must write a letter,certified mail, to the credit agency disputing the delinquency.


Go to my website, www.consumerlawyerhelp.com and look under sample forms. Under sample form, see a letter to send to the credit bureaus disputing the debt to erase the bad mark on your husband's credit report. You must follow the instructions strictly. Moreover, you must provide evidence that you have paid off the loan. More likely than not, the credit bureaus will still refuse to take off the bad credit and you will have to write a second letter. Do the same type of letter and follow the same instructions. If they fail to take off the bad mark after the second letter, you can contact me for assistance. I handled these types of cases and do not charge the clients an attorneys fee if they have an improper mark on their credit. Good luck!

Throwing an extinguished match out the window a reasonable cause for pull over?


Throwing an extinguished match out the window a reasonable cause for pull over?



Can the court force my ex to share custody of my son? I have him full time, I think it is only fair he take him part time


Can the court force my ex to share custody of my son? I have him full time, I think it is only fair he take him part time


No. The Court can force a person to pay child support (if the person stuipdly allows themselves and / or their assets to be found) but the Court can not force a person to provide free babysitting or take part in their childrens lives if they choose not to.

My husband and I are separating and I want to take my children back to California with me


My husband and I are separating and I want to take my children back to California with me


Consult with and hire an attorney before doing anything. A wrong move on your part could cost you custody of your children !

What are the release dates for Through Maria's Eyes - 2015?

What are the release dates for Through Maria's Eyes - 2015?
Through Maria's Eyes - 2015 was released on:

USA: 19 March 2015

I wanted to know if it is legal for me to record messages off an answering machine left for me by a company collecting on behalf of a person...


I wanted to know if it is legal for me to record messages off an answering machine left for me by a company collecting on behalf of a personal loan? The messages were left on my mother's cell phone and a neighbor's house phone.


Yes, you can record these messages. Remember to put a DATE (somehow) on the recordings - the date that the statement was made.

What do you believe in life?

What do you believe in life?
life as we know it is a complex being of a single person. Life will only go on untill you die.

out on bond in dallas texas trying to go on vacation out of country for five days if bail bondsman company approves with a letter in writing...


out on bond in dallas texas trying to go on vacation out of country for five days if bail bondsman company approves with a letter in writing is it good enough. not trying to go to jail


Talk to your lawyer. The bondsman is not the best source of information.

The plant i am currently working at is shut down due to a product recall issue. The employees have been notified that we cannot return to wo...


The plant i am currently working at is shut down due to a product recall issue. The employees have been notified that we cannot return to work until further notice. the employees are supposed to be compensated for this shut down right?


Not necessarily. The question would be whether the temporary closure is covered by the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act., That act only applies to employers with 100 or more full time (e.g. aggregated 4000 hours) employees working at the site, where the layoff affects at least 50 employees who comprise no less than 33% of the total employees employed at the site, or at least 500 employees. In that case it has to give at least 60 days advance warning unless this is not possible. There are other exceptions as well. You may be able to collect unemployment compensation since you are laid off.

How do you keep stray cats off my car?

How do you keep stray cats off my car?
stray cats were stray cats...but since they were afraid of dogs...I think that you must have one

I have been separated from my wife for over a yearAbout a week ago I went to get my machinist toolsAnd she said she would call the police fo...


I have been separated from my wife for over a year

About a week ago I went to get my machinist tools

And she said she would call the police for trespassing

I went to the police department they said they would go with

Me but could not make her give me the tools

I need my tools to work what can I do.


You need to have a domestic attorney. The property settlement is something that should have happened shortly after the separation. Get one now. Alternatively, you could sue your wife in small claims court to get the tools back. Look at your county's court system home page to find out how to make a small claim. It is very easy.

paupers lawCan the paupers law help with a tentant being evicted, lost job and single mother of two? Moving but don't want this on record a...


paupers law

Can the paupers law help with a tentant being evicted, lost job and single mother of two? Moving but don't want this on record and cant pay past bal. of rent (2 1/2 mon).


Re: paupers law

No, but you might call the Housing Crisis Center or Dallas Tenants Association for help.

What was entertainment to people in 1886?

What was entertainment to people in 1886?
they played charades... c'mon, you couldnt think of anything? -abby

Why would my front right tire squeak?

Why would my front right tire squeak?
make sure the tread is for forward motionthere is a small arrow showing the direction the tire "should" be rotating.also check your tyre pressure .hope you sort it .Raymake sure the tread is for forward motionthere is a small arrow showing the direction the tire "should" be rotating.also check your tyre pressure .hope you sort it .Ray

How often does a speed sensor in the back wheel go bad?

How often does a speed sensor in the back wheel go bad?
as mans eye work :P

What is done that cant undone?

What is done that cant undone?
um... words???

Who is at fault when a car avoid hitting turning car and hit car coming head on?

Who is at fault when a car avoid hitting turning car and hit car coming head on?
that would be the car turning because the car that had to swerve to avoid it hit another vehicle due to the turning car's failure to yield.

What is alternative tourism?

What is alternative tourism?
""Alternative Tourism", concept that is defined as not being mass tourism. Under the alternative tourism concept we can find a series of classifications and types of tourism. What characterizes the concept of "Alternative" is the existence of small or medium companies, created by families or friends, where there is the possibility of more contact with the communities and where most of the times there is a respect for the environment. This concept is generally used by government institutions and academics, and very rarely a traveller will ask in an information centre for places or activities of alternative tourism."

Can the dams office use peoples priors as form of evidence to a grand jury


Can the dams office use peoples priors as form of evidence to a grand jury


Yes - they must if they want to indict with enhancement paragraphs. It also can be used for affecting the truth and veracity of a person.

How do you convince your parents to let you get a YouTube account?

How do you convince your parents to let you get a YouTube account?
If I were you, I would tell them that you only want one to postcomments. No videos so your face wont be shown. Tell them that youdont want to post videos until you are older (even if you want topost videos) Just make sure you ask first before you go ahead andjust make an account. Trust me,it is very hard to get popular onyoutube.

More Advice

Lieing to your parents is NEVER a smart thing to do. If they haveforbidden you to have a YouTube account, just do what they havetold you. Believe me, you might think they are being stupid, butyou'll find out in a few years that they are a whole lot smarterthan you think they are now.

What happens if you burn jet fuel in a car engine?

What happens if you burn jet fuel in a car engine?
The magical potato pops out and answers your three life questions about masturbating, sex, and idioticy

my friend is in jail . he was out for a day but he was with someone and she had people credit card n social secuirty and stolen stuff in her...


my friend is in jail . he was out for a day but he was with someone and she had people credit card n social secuirty and stolen stuff in her car. some were in her purse. but some were under his seat. so he got charged for it. just because she wont tell them its her. this is his charges

Case# Pending/NA(02) - Parole Hold

PC 3056


Bail: No Bail

PC 484E(D) Felony


PC 496(A) Felony



Bail: $85,000.00

he was out on bail already just for one day. the lady he was with got out after 1 day but he stayed in.


Based on what you have provided, he is being held for a parole violation with no bail. So he is not going to get out, unless the court changes the no bail hold. It doesn't matter if he has someone post bail on the other charge.

I don't know what your specific legal question is, but he needs a good criminal defense attorney.

What are the 3 c's in drama and what is its importance?

What are the 3 c's in drama and what is its importance?
Comedy (be funny), crafting (make your character), and cigarettes (every good actor smokes)

Who is responsible for handicapped and stop/directional signs enforcement in shopping malls?


Who is responsible for handicapped and stop/directional signs enforcement in shopping malls?


"In shopping malls." Most likely it would be the mall itself. Unless the mall hired an outside agency or company for that purpose. You didn't ask about outside the mall. That would be basically the same answer, but depending on how the outside parking and driving areas are laid out, on mall or public property, it could also involve local law enforcement. There is very little information in your question to work from, so please don't depend very much on my response. Its just intended to help steer you in a direction which might help some. A lawyer really needs more information to properly assess your question.

Where is elf moto brand from?

Where is elf moto brand from?
Elf was a French oil company, now merged with TotalFina to form TotalFinaElf. The company has been known as Total since 2003. Elf is still advertised as a major branch of Total

Sunday, 26 April 2015

my husband are in our 70s and we are abused by grandparents rights, simple we need to see our grandkids


my husband are in our 70s and we are abused by grandparents rights, simple we need to see our grandkids


Hire an experienced family law attorney

Is there an anime musical?

Is there an anime musical?

New Jersey requires an out of state executor to post a bond. How much is it?


New Jersey requires an out of state executor to post a bond. How much is it?



Frugooscape Code for cars?

Frugooscape Code for cars?
there is no such code for vehicles exceapt a sled but that makes you walk

Collection Agency Will Not Completely validate a debtI have received a partial debt validation from a collection agency who says I owe $983...


Collection Agency Will Not Completely validate a debt

I have received a partial debt validation from a collection agency who says I owe $983 for a gym contract. The entire contract was for two years at $959, I paid one full year of $39.99 per month(479.88). Is it legal that they charge me that? What can I do about this? I'm stressing badly about it. They have threatened to put this on my credit report and I am in the process of repairing my credit because I am looking to purchase a home in the future.


Re: Collection Agency Will Not Completely validate a debt

Your obligation will be determined by the exact terms of the contract. The creditor / collection agency may be in error; or the additional amount may be the result of late payment fees, interest or any number of other penalties provided for in the contract. If you dispute the charges, inform the next collection agent that contacts you.


Re: Collection Agency Will Not Completely validate a debt

Have you disputed the amount of the debt in writing? It is best to dispute the amount of the debt with the debt collection agency by sending a letter via certified mail to the debt collector. Even if you send this letter and all the "verification" that the debt has been partially paid, the debt collector is likely NOT going to say..."Sorry, we are wrong, we'll fix that asap". Most likely they will ignore your letters and continue demanding the money. This is will likely end up with the debt collector violating the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Please feel free to call or email me about how to handle this problem.


Re: Collection Agency Will Not Completely validate a debt

The previous answers are correct. You do need to look at your old contract to see what the charges are for - does it say there are late fees or attorney fees?

I would send the collector a letter (certified mail, return receipt requested) and keep a signed copy. Ask the collector to break down the charges for you. There is some authority that suggests that if a debt collector won't break down the charges for you, it may not be proper.

Tell them in the letter you don't want this on your credit report and that if they put something inaccuarate on your report you will take action.

Have you checked to see if it is on your reports yet? You can pull your reports - go to our website here for more information... http://www.alabamaconsumer.com/PracticeAreas/Steps-You-Need.asp

Let me know what they say. Also, if you have been dealing with other collectors or "debt buyers" on your credit reports, let me know as they often put wrong info on your reports to try and extort money out of you.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

John Watts

Hasbroi have a amaze-a-matics car with blank cards is it a collectabale?

Hasbroi have a amaze-a-matics car with blank cards is it a collectabale?
most people would not even know what they are. they came out the year i was born and i just recently discovered and have begun collecting them. The interest on eBay is consistent but not overwhelming. the 4 common ones in working condition w/ box go for around 10 to 15 bucks. the bug/mustang and dune buggy shells and chassis packs are a bit more collectable due to their rarity. worth collecting now for the prices.

What oil company used the phrase put a tiger in your tank in their advertising?

What oil company used the phrase put a tiger in your tank in their advertising?
Exxon, although they were Esso at the time.

I am a boy and am getting very sexual and vile texts from another boy, asking for sex, who graduated last year. What actions can be taken ag...


I am a boy and am getting very sexual and vile texts from another boy, asking for sex, who graduated last year. What actions can be taken against this?


I would report the matter to the local police. They should be able to address this matter.

What are the release dates for Impractical Jokers - 2011 Who Arted 1-8?

What are the release dates for Impractical Jokers - 2011 Who Arted 1-8?
Impractical Jokers - 2011 Who Arted 1-8 was released on:

USA: 26 January 2012

Can I file a lawsuit against my old job because of the way that they treated me . just because they are a family who owns a multi 1,000,000 ...


Can I file a lawsuit against my old job because of the way that they treated me . just because they are a family who owns a multi 1,000,000 dollar business in Michigan. Can I file a lawsuit because I had to quit my job because of the mental and emotional abuse and stress they would talk down to you like we were on the Titanic and it was 1920 like you were beneath them


You would need proof of illegal discrimination and harassment and complaints to upper management, followed by retaliation or further adverse actions. Simple bullying is not illegal in Michigan. Check with an experienced employment lawyer.

i am making a website that has to due with restaurants and club, bars and so on do i need to get the permeation to use there photos that the...


i am making a website that has to due with restaurants and club, bars and so on do i need to get the permeation to use there photos that they have on there website on my Website? and also do i need permission to least there business on my site?


You need their permission to use their photos. Otherwise, you would be infringing on their copyright. This is true, even though those photos are on the website for the restaurants and clubs that you feature.

You do not necessarily need the permission of these establishments to mention them on your site. You must be careful, however, to not post any defamatory information about them. You also may not simply copy text from their site and place it on your own.

In the State of New Mexico, after a motion is filed in court for an amendment to child custody, relinquishment of Alimony and Personal Prope...


In the State of New Mexico, after a motion is filed in court for an amendment to child custody, relinquishment of Alimony and Personal Property distribution. How long does the other party have to respond, what happens when and if they do respond? What happens if they don't respond?


If the Motion was filed after the underlying case was concluded, then the responding party has 30 days within which to file. If they respond properly, a hearing will be held to determine the legality and merits of the proposed actions. If no response is filed, the Petitioning party wins by default.

Who is word girl?

Who is word girl?
Jason is word girl

Is it legal to ride with no helmet in America?

Is it legal to ride with no helmet in America?

Added: It depends on what state you are riding in. Some require it, some don't.

I am a sales person. I had been instructed by my manager (by email) to inform my clients regarding a certain company (our competitor) who cl...


I am a sales person. I had been instructed by my manager (by email) to inform my clients regarding a certain company (our competitor) who claims their product is assembled locally, is in fact fully imported. This is to disqualify that product to be given priority due to the claim (that it is assembled locally).

I had send out emails to my clients quoting my manager's email by mentioning a certain officer in the ministry has confirmed with the competitor company that the product is not locally assembled.

I am not certain whether the statement is true or not. Should the statement is not true, will I face any charges from the officer in the ministry or the competitor company? Or the charges will be pressed against my company only? What kind of charges will be pressed? Does 'respondeat superior' in effect?

I am merely an employee and not having any ownership in the company and my company is a small corparation.


Your question doesn't make a lot of sense. You refer to a "ministry", but we don't have ministries in this country. That makes me think your question may be about another country's laws.

You also refer to "charges" possibly being pressed against you. In American law, it is very rarely a crime to make false statements to a third party, even knowingly, unless you do so in a formal setting under penalty of perjury.

Such statements can, however, be the basis for a civil lawsuit. There are several different theories under which your company's competitor might bring that suit. Some of those theories might be available even if what you said was true. The nature and extent of your exposure would depend upon how any such lawsuit is framed. They would most likely sue your employer rather than you personally.

If they do sue you personally then yes, respondeat superior would most likely apply. You should understand, though, that respondeat superior would merely make your employer liable for your actions. It would not relieve you of responsibility for them or prevent the competitor from suing you successfully. If your company refuses to pay or goes bankrupt, you would potentially still be on the hook for any damages award. You might also end up having to pay for your own lawyer. You would then have the right to seek reimbursement from the company.

Another point: You seem to think that the law will treat your competitor's products differently if they are imported. I don't know why you think that. American law generally doesn't work that way, though there are exceptions. Here again, I wonder if the laws you are concerned about are from another country.

You may want to sit down with a lawyer for a consultation. Once you have explained more about your case, the lawyer can give you better guidance.

Good luck.

My fiance was offered a plea bargain by a prosecuter in a missouri county for 1 year of jail time. He was told he would be given credit for ...


My fiance was offered a plea bargain by a prosecuter in a missouri county for 1 year of jail time. He was told he would be given credit for all time he has already served in the county. He had served 7 months in county jail the prior year so he accepted the plea bargain. After accepting it they are now saying that he wont get any credit for the 7 months he already served because he was being held on other charges as well. The charges he was sentenced on were not issued warrants for. They only issued summons for these charges because he was already in custody. They are doing this on purpose and I dont know what to do. Should he have his attorney pull the plea since he was mislead and lied to? The judge told his attorney today that he would give him credit for the time served if his attorney could find a similar case where the judge was allowed to give credit for time served in a county jail when the time was not technically served on that exact charge. Does such thing exist? Cant the judge make this decision anyway? My fiance only took the plea because he was supposed to be out last month. We have a baby due in 3 weeks by c section and we have 2 boys already. I know I will need his help after the surgery and cant take care of all 3 boys and all their needs with staples in my abdomen. Please help I dont know what to do


Your husband has an attorney, so I can't advise him. But, I can answer your question that, depending upon the crime, the judge can amend or suspend part of the sentence.

Good luck

Is your birthday on April 19?

Is your birthday on April 19?
no way 'itch'

I am the executor to my parents estate, my father died 2 yrs ago and my mother is 82. Do I need a quick claim deed so when she passes the ho...


I am the executor to my parents estate, my father died 2 yrs ago and my mother is 82. Do I need a quick claim deed so when she passes the house does not go into probate?


Your mother may have a quit claim deed done. the executor has nothing to do with that lrocess. Contact me to discuss in more detail 888-988-5297


A lady bird deed is even better. Contact me at kliszlaw.com or call (313)402-0853 to discuss. Thanks, Tim Klisz

Why is law considered a social science?

Why is law considered a social science?
because Humans are social creatures, Communities are groups of us of like mind, A community need standards, laws.
Laws are based on Morals of the higher parties
in the right government those laws are up to debate.
Law/Legal is a social science because without Us human beings need for communities there would be no law.

I live in brevard county fl and I got a fta two days ago on a fri I was told that on mon I could go to the clerk and aas to see a judge and ...


I live in brevard county fl and I got a fta two days ago on a fri I was told that on mon I could go to the clerk and aas to see a judge and why I didn't attend is this true?


The sooner you get to a judge the better. It is preferable to get an attorney, but you must make an effort. It doesn't mean the judge has to recall the warrant for the FTA, but your chances increase the sooner you get it done.

I have a girlfriend who may be charged with embezzlement by her ex boyfriend whom she worked for is partners with one other person. The ex b...


I have a girlfriend who may be charged with embezzlement by her ex boyfriend whom she worked for is partners with one other person. The ex boyfriend gave no compensation for work she performed. How can this be dealt without her going to prison.


Get a good local criminal defense attorney. It can probably be worked out with a plea to a lesser included charge with a deal of no active time. The most important thing is for her to exercise her 5th amendment right and remain silent. The less she talks the better the chances are for her lawyer.

What did printed cards replace?

What did printed cards replace?

What is TYN?

What is TYN?
Taiyuan, China ( Airport Code )Tyndall AFB (Panama City, FL)Thimun Youth Networkor try www.acronymfinder.com

My stepmom's sister just was granted guardianship and stuck her in a nursing home. Can she sell the house she was living in if it says in my...


My stepmom's sister just was granted guardianship and stuck her in a nursing home. Can she sell the house she was living in if it says in my stepmom's will it should be given to my brother and I? Also my stepmom's nephew was going to go up to Montana in June and take things out of the house. Does he have a right to do that since my stepmom is still alive? Did the guardianship to her sister grant him that right?


The Guardian's conduct is subject to review by the Court. Whether the Court has granted Conservatorship responsibilities to the Guardian will depend on the Court's order establishing the guardianship.

You should consider taking your questions to an attorney who specializes in this area to learn the rules that apply to your stepmother's guardianship and how the Guardian's conduct is measured.

What are the release dates for Independent Lens - 1999 Love Free or Die - 14.2?

What are the release dates for Independent Lens - 1999 Love Free or Die - 14.2?
Independent Lens - 1999 Love Free or Die - 14.2 was released on:

USA: 29 October 2012

Is it true John Carradine ran up stairs in order to have a heart attack and die?

Is it true John Carradine ran up stairs in order to have a heart attack and die?
yes, it is true,

What is the legal definition of a fence versus a privacy screen? My neighbors installed a stretch of fencing material to create a privacy sc...


What is the legal definition of a fence versus a privacy screen? My neighbors installed a stretch of fencing material to create a privacy screen without requesting the required HOA approval in advance in order to sell their house. The HOA is calling the object a "fence" to match provisions in the bylaws that precludes a homeowner from needing approval in advance.


A fence is generally considered to be a barrier between 2 properties. A privacy screen generally refers to something installed within a property to provide privacy to a particular area. A person could presumably install something in an exterior area for the purpose of privacy, but if it also functions as a barrier, it would seem to meet the definition of a fence. If your bylaws do not require approval of one but do of the other, this seems like something you should seek to change through the amendment process.

What is a half Horatio Nelson?

What is a half Horatio Nelson?
If this phrase does happen to come from "Epic Rap Battles of History: Napoleon vs. Napoleon", then it's probably interpreted like this. Horatio Nelson was an officer in the English Navy, most famous for his service during the Napoleonic Wars. A Half Nelson is a wrestling move. The phrase "half Horatio Nelson" would be a wacky, made-up, insult to Napoleon Bonaparte.

What is the most important instrument in the world?

What is the most important instrument in the world?
It's either the Screw Driver or the Guitar.Depending what kind of instrument you are talking about.

What is the best way to sew velcro?

What is the best way to sew velcro?
Put the needle with thred in the very middle of your piece of velcro after take the foam and punch it into the far end and peel out the tape and wela your masterpiece.

There was an altercation between 2 parties and one claims that the other broke her glasses, and she filed a criminal complaint claiming the ...


There was an altercation between 2 parties and one claims that the other broke her glasses, and she filed a criminal complaint claiming the glasses cost over $250 when they were actually a pair of glasses she got when she was on public assistance.

Would it be considered filing a false police report if it were determined that the glasses were actually a very cheap pair of glasses?


It has to do with the value of the glasses for the purpose of replacement.

I own a clothing label and am Currently am in the process of starting a non-profit branch. I have been suggested (by legalzoom) to include a...


I own a clothing label and am Currently am in the process of starting a non-profit branch. I have been suggested (by legalzoom) to include a conflict of interest policy in my bylaws but from what I have read detailing them. It essentially states me as a disqualified person. Can you please give me some more information about this? Is the Conflict of interest policy nessesary? If so, what is the best way to go about this to avoid any legal complications now or in the future?


Why, in the world, are you starting a non profit entity to sell clothing. What charitable purpose exists for the entity. Is there some reason why the sale of clothes should not be taxable as a business operation. Selling to churches or hospitals does not make you tax exempt. Even if it is so organized, you will likely have unrelated business taxable income.

Start with the basics. A non profit organization is not a "do it yourself" concept in all but the simplest situations.

If you do have a conflict in a non profit, you are likely involved in prohibited transactions, which cause extensive penalties.

Please see a capable attorney or accountant to help advise you. Conflict policies are the least of your worries.

What if a parent was in custody of the state when they were suppose to get custody of the child and the parents rights get revoked because t...


What if a parent was in custody of the state when they were suppose to get custody of the child and the parents rights get revoked because they were in state custody because of a mistake the state made in which made the parent incapable of maken the court date to get there rights revoked and by the time the parent was released from state custody the rights were revoked but they have been looking for like 8.5 years but nobody can give you any info is it possible to still get or attempt to get custody and sue the state for several different misTakes such as making the parent miss the court appearance for placing him in a establishment that he didn't belong in the first place.


Someone may be able to help you but the problem is that it would be very expensive

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Who was in the sculpture Monument to the Discoveries?

Who was in the sculpture Monument to the Discoveries?
Henry the Navigator was in the Monument to the Discoveries. It was inaugurated in 1960 to celebrate the 500 year anniversary of his death.

I am pregnant and the biological father abandoned in the very beginning, asking that I never contact him again. He wants nothing to do with ...


I am pregnant and the biological father abandoned in the very beginning, asking that I never contact him again. He wants nothing to do with it at all. I've since gotten into a serious relationship and am considering adding this man as the Legal father on the birth certificate. I am on state public assistance due to mental illness. If I add this man as the legal Father, will the state file for any kind of support or reimbursement from the legal father??


The short answer is yes.

The taxpayers of Texas are supporting your child & the taxpayers will eventually want reimbursement for this money.

Also, normally it is now the policy of most hospitals to require DNA testing BEFORE adding a man's man to any birth certificate.

Why? Because a lot of women did exactly what you are doing & then either the man or the woman changed their minds later on.

If you have any questions, I highly recommend that you talk to a family law attorney in your county!

Good luck. Happy pregnancy.

Who builds the displays for bass pro shop?

Who builds the displays for bass pro shop?
The famous creative arts designer Steve Farr

What are the release dates for Jerry's Trial - 1917?

What are the release dates for Jerry's Trial - 1917?
Jerry's Trial - 1917 was released on:

USA: 3 May 1917

Where to download awards shows from 2008?

Where to download awards shows from 2008?
you tube :)

If I get fired due to attendance do I still qualify for unemployment?


If I get fired due to attendance do I still qualify for unemployment?


It depends on your local Unemployment Hearing Officer's interpretation of what 'attendance' means. If you were fired for missing work without excuse, then that would probably constitute 'misconduct' and result in a denial of unemployment, but these situations vary and are very fact-dependent.

Good luck!

How long will a worn camsharft last?

How long will a worn camsharft last?
a worn camsharft will last at least 6 months mabe a bit longer it depends on the speed you do and how fast you start from a stand still it may last 12 month just keep cheking it every now and then

I was just granted sole legal custody and placement of my 2 boys. How ever there is a CHIPS case against there mother still and the social w...


I was just granted sole legal custody and placement of my 2 boys. How ever there is a CHIPS case against there mother still and the social worker said the CHIPS case trumps the court ordered sole legal custody. I this true or am I being lied to so the social worker can still try to monitor there mother?


That is true and you would have to intervene in the CHPS proceedings to seek custodial placement.

2 weeks ago I provided my work with a doctors note stating that I was unable to shave due to severe skin irritation. Today one of my coworke...


2 weeks ago I provided my work with a doctors note stating that I was unable to shave due to severe skin irritation. Today one of my coworkers told me that he saw the note inside a file in a public work area. I checked the file and sure enough my doctors note was right on top. Is this a breach of my confidentiality? Doesn't my work have a requirement to keep this information private?... or at least more private than inside a random file?

I have also had other problems with confidentiality at my work in the past, ranging from finding Write-Ups left on the desktop of public computers, and my boss disciplining me in front of other employees... I have kept documentation on all of these events.

Is there anything that I can do about this lack of confidentiality?


This a labor/employment law question now a legal ethics question.There is information that is to be kept from the public and not open but not necessarily confidential. Especially when you're providing information in a public sense like this there is little expectation that you can expect of privacy in the work place.

Who was Granville T Woods wife?

Who was Granville T Woods wife?
Helen Emily Woods

My wife and I seperated in June 2012 I had a SUV that her grandma had cosigned on. After geting into my own place and the expenses that caus...


My wife and I seperated in June 2012 I had a SUV that her grandma had cosigned on. After geting into my own place and the expenses that caused I could no longer afford the high pament. When I got one month behind her grandma showed up with her son and took the SUV to be sold. She paid 3 paments while it sat on the lot. It finally sold and now she wants me to pay her a $9000 difference between what she had to pay off and the pmts that she made. Do I leagaly owe her the money? I thnk that where they stepped in and took the car that its her responsibility. What do I do?


A cosigner is responsible for the loan when the primary signator defaults. However, in order for you to be liable to the cosigner for a deficiency there should have been an agreement between you regarding that liability. If there is no agreement then grandma will have to file a lawsuit to make you liable.

I purchased a treadmill from a store in Dallas with a no return-all sales final on the receipt. I live in a small apartment and did not have...


I purchased a treadmill from a store in Dallas with a no return-all sales final on the receipt. I live in a small apartment and did not have enough room for it. I was financing $1450.50 through GE. I contacted the store, Plano Busybody/Fitcorp USA, Craig Lewin, Executive Vice President and he said they would go ahead and let me return it but that there would be a restocking fee.

Upon returning it, I found out that they are crediting me $599.70 and still charging me $850.80 through GE. The $850.80 includes $145 delivery and $145 pick-up, plus $61.65 processing fee for a 12-month no interest account. Which means they are charging me $499.15 as a restocking fee. Isn't that unreasonable?


Yes, it's unreasonable; however, because the return isn't based on the product being defective, but is based on "customer remorse," I'd take their deal. They didn't have to allow the return at all.

My bank sold my house after failed loan modification attempt. Will filing a bankruptcy delay the eviction? Contra Costa County California - ...


My bank sold my house after failed loan modification attempt. Will filing a bankruptcy delay the eviction? Contra Costa County California - thanks in advance!


As I understand it, a bankruptcy will temporarily halt a foreclosure sale, but not a post-sale eviction.


I believe a bankruptcy stay extends to all litigation against the debtor, at least temporarily, on the principal that all existing assets of the debtor must be preserved, and so incurring attorneys fees on any litigation is stayed until the Bankruptcy court OK's it.

my wife and i are separated. my father (89) is applying for the veterans aid assistance benefit. he and my mothers (86) net worth is appro...


my wife and i are separated. my father (89) is applying for the veterans aid & assistance benefit. he and my mothers (86) net worth is approx 2.3 m $. he is considering setting up an asset protection trust to qualify for the veterans benefit. if i am the trustee will my wife have any access to my parents assets? my wife lives in our home in california and i work in illinois and lease a condo.


I do not believe your wife would have any access to your parents' access if your only role is as a trustee for the trust.


If you are a true arms-length trustee, the assets are in no way shape or form yours and no one claiming against or through you can reach them, any more than if I sue your bank I can seize your account.

What causes 1997 Yucon to start then idle rough then die?

What causes 1997 Yucon to start then idle rough then die?
You broke it. Way to go.

If my daughters biological father signs an Agreement Of adoption Private Placement form in front of a Notary willingly releasing his parenta...


If my daughters biological father signs an Agreement Of adoption Private Placement form in front of a Notary willingly releasing his parental rights, can I just file that form and be done with the process


No. A judge must determine that the adoption is in the best interests of the child and formally approve the adoption request.

Can my son's father get any type of joint custody? I am a single mom (never married) living in the state of MD. My son's father is currently...


Can my son's father get any type of joint custody? I am a single mom (never married) living in the state of MD. My son's father is currently not working and is on disability for his psychological and health issues. My son has always lived with me and I am wondering what the chances are that his father will get any type of joint custody. the child has my last name (father signed Birth certificate after the fact). I don't receive any support from the father and never have. His father doesn't live on his own (still lives with parents) and he doesn't work due to his illnesses. All illnesses are documented by his psychiatrist and doctors as well as his employer since he is on disability thru them.


There are 2 kinds of custody-legal and physical/residential. Unless the father could show that you are not a fit mother, there is no way a court would change the current custody/visitation arrangement. By the way, you are legally entitled to child support, although if the father is physically unable to work it would be hard to get this. If he receives disability benefits, they could be taken into consideration in determining how much support he should be paying.

As for joint legal custody, if up to now you have been the only one making life decisions for your son, and doing a good job, I doubt a judge would change that. If the father were to be given joint legal custody, he would have more input into decisions regarding education, health care, religious training, etc, and if the 2 of you were to have different ideas about your son in these areas, it would make it difficult to raise him.


If by " any type of joint custody" you are referring to visitation, then the answer is yes.

I want to LLC Farm property in Kentucky. Would that be consideredan Article of OrganizationNonprofit Limited Liability Company?


I want to LLC Farm property in Kentucky. Would that be considered

an Article of Organization

Nonprofit Limited Liability Company?


You will need to file articles of organization and make certain annual filings thereafter. It can be a nonprofit or for profit but depends on how you intend to use it. Email me at [email protected]/* */ if you are interested in help with filing and maintaining a new LLC.

Tak care!




1)What extra curricular activities does one need to become a lawyer?

2)What is the starting salary range?

3)What different classes does one have to take?

4)What kind of grades does one need to get, to become a lawyer?

5)What subjects does one have to do well in?

6)What colleges do you recommend? Why?

7)how many years did you have to study, to get this career?

8)what advise would you give me, a student who wants to become a lawyer, now & for later

9)What should I major in?

11)do you have time for social life?

is the job stressful if so,how?

12)what are some good courses to take?

13)does one need financial aid in college?

14)what do you think i should do to prepare myself for court appearances?

15)what are some job requirements?

16)what do you start as when you get the job?

17) do you recommend any internships? If so how long?

18)What motivates one?

19)what type of reading does one have to do on a daily basis?

20)did you pass the bar exam on the first try? Tell me about the bar exam?

21)what other careers can I consider in this field?

22)how long have you been practicing law?

23)what kind of cases can I handle?

24)will I issues like suing?

25)how does one things done?

26)do you feel like part of a team, if so how? Do you mostly work alone or in a team?

27)How do you react when you find out someone in the office does not like you?

28)what decisions are easy to make?

29)what decisions are more difficult to make?

30) Is there a lot of stress?


Lawyers work very hard to get an education, so we know that people learn more when they do their homework.

You will get a lot more out of this project if you actually do the required research yourself, instead of posting your assignment on the internet and asking someone to do it for you.

And seriously.... do you really think a lawyer is going to sit down and write answers to THIRTY questions, when you're too lazy to go find the answers yourself?

Finally, if I was your teacher and I found out you pulled this stunt instead of doing the work yourself, you would be getting an "F" anyway.

In our divorce, I agreed to pay half of orthodontics, she has presented me with bills dating back to 2006, with no insurance payments being ...


In our divorce, I agreed to pay half of orthodontics, she has presented me with bills

dating back to 2006, with no insurance payments being shown, do I call her insurance company, or do I ask the judge for this info.

We have a case management on Tuesday


An attorney should review the divorce decree because the obligation may interplay with an obligation to carry insurance.

Can claim petty cash without supporting documents?

Can claim petty cash without supporting documents?
Two answers:Technically NOWhere I work If there is a reasonable reason for the receipt being missing they will allow reimbursement I flew on Delta recently and the computer didn't give me a slip for the Bag I checked but I got paid for the charge.

I have a civil case in California with multiple causes of action. One of them has a one year statute of limitations while the remaining ones...


I have a civil case in California with multiple causes of action. One of them has a one year statute of limitations while the remaining ones have two years. Do all causes of action need to be filed at once or can I file on the one count and then later amend to include the other counts? Thanks!


Don't split your cause of action. File for everything up front, before the statute runs, otherwise you run into all sorts of problems later on down the road.


NO. File all now or lose those not filed.


Mr. Nelson's answer is not technically correct, but Mr. Roach is right that you just make problems for yourself by splitting your causes of action, because your amendment rights are limited. You can amend once as a matter of right before an answer is filed by any defendant. After an answer is filed an amendment can only be filed after getting court permission by filing a formal motion to amend. Permission can and will be denied if a defendant opposes is and can show that the delay in filing the new causes of action disadvantaged them in the case somehow or will delay the case on the previously filed causes of action. Conversely there is nothing possibly to be gained by purposely leaving out causes of action and filing them later.

Which R and B singer sang you want to make love right now?

Which R and B singer sang you want to make love right now?
Akonthis is not a quiz!

Is crutchfield hall real?

Is crutchfield hall real?
No, it is Fiction but many still argue whether it is a real place or not.

Can a person challenge an estate from another state or do they have to file in state the person died. Doesn't the attorney have to be licens...


Can a person challenge an estate from another state or do they have to file in state the person died. Doesn't the attorney have to be licensed in the state where the property is located. Also, in Michigan if the deceased puts one child on all the accounts doesn't they control the money.


Probate can be in multiple states. Where the person resided is one, another could any state the person owned real estate. An attorney has to be licensed where they practice, or be admitted to that state for the case. If a person puts one child on all their accounts, that child is usually the owner of those funds, unless a will says otherwise. Visit kliszlaw.com to discuss further. Tim Klisz

Is there a time limit in CA to bring a minor issue to a current performance review while it was never addressed verbally, in write up or pre...


Is there a time limit in CA to bring a minor issue to a current performance review while it was never addressed verbally, in write up or previous performance review? Thanks



I have had custody of my son who is now 15 we live in California his dad is trimg to get him to move to Kentucky where he is can this happen...


I have had custody of my son who is now 15 we live in California his dad is trimg to get him to move to Kentucky where he is can this happen or does he have to be in the same state


It CAN happen, IF the father files a motion in the court in which the current custody order was issued, to have the custody modified. Whether that motion would be successful or not depends on WAY too many factors to get into in an internet question and answer format.

When you catch Dialga what are its attacks?

When you catch Dialga what are its attacks?
I think it knows Metal Claw, Dragon Claw, Ancient Power and Roar of Time. Tell me if I'm wrong.

Im going to b thirteen in a couple of months and you really want your lip pierced but you dont think your mom would let you have any advice?

Im going to b thirteen in a couple of months and you really want your lip pierced but you dont think your mom would let you have any advice?
ask her.. if not... either do it yourself or listen to her

What would you buy at the first half of a year?

What would you buy at the first half of a year?
Shopping for discounted winter clothes, buy electric or ordinary bicycle, buy and install some solar applications to my house.

If a QDRO was issued during a divorce, can it be reversed if both parties are in agreement? My ex doesn't have money for kids college (which...


If a QDRO was issued during a divorce, can it be reversed if both parties are in agreement? My ex doesn't have money for kids college (which the divorce agreement says he has to pay half) and we were looking for creative ways for him to contribute to the college expenses. Basically, the qdro would be reversed and he would not be responsible for college costs.


I would have to do some research to give you a definite answer. The Court deals with the QDRO as a division of marital property. Obviously the QDRO plan administer is bound by the terms of the QDRO. But, in some cases, people can file a Motion to Modify the existing Court Order. If you decide to have me do the research and advise you further, I would charge a modest fee for my time. Then, if you elect to take legal action, Ican quote you a reasonable retainer fee. Feel free to contact me directly.

What tread depth will pass inspection in Pa?

What tread depth will pass inspection in Pa?
Federal regulations say that you should have your tire tread depth no less than 1/16 or 2/32 of an inch. If you are concerned Pennsylvania has different laws, either look up the vehicle laws online or contact your local Department of Public Safety or Department of Motorized Vehicles and ask for information on tread depth regulations.
Once you know the minimum for your tread depth, you can perform the "penny test". Using a United States penny, place the penny with Abraham's head in the tread. If part of the President's head is covered, then you have a legal amount of tread. If not, it is time to change your tire.

We have $40k in goods at a distribution warehouse. They will not release our own goods to sell to a customer because we owe them $10k. But w...


We have $40k in goods at a distribution warehouse. They will not release our own goods to sell to a customer because we owe them $10k. But we are only 7 days late on $5k of the amount due. Can they do this? Hold our goods hostage from us? We have no signed contract. We are in Southern California


CAN they? Sure, they are.

You need to negotiate a resolution before you lose the sale and end up in litigation. If you want to hire counsel to help you do so and protect your rights in an agreement, feel free to contact me.

Who sings in the opening credits of the movie Jeremiah Johnson?

Who sings in the opening credits of the movie Jeremiah Johnson?
The person singing in the opening credits of Jeremial Johnson is Robert Redford.

What are racing car body made of?

What are racing car body made of?
This depends on the Racing series.
The SCCA class I run in requires the original body panels as delivered on the car.
Many special built race cars use Carbon Fiber Composite panels.

Do red cars get more speeding tickets than any other color of car?

Do red cars get more speeding tickets than any other color of car?
It's proven that red cars have 3 more accidents than yellow cars every year.

I have heard that one ALL my life, yellow being #2.

I live on the east coast and want to visit my 2 yr old granddaughter in new mexico who we have never seen. The mother and maternal grandpare...


I live on the east coast and want to visit my 2 yr old granddaughter in new mexico who we have never seen. The mother and maternal grandparents are not approachable. Can we get a court order allowing us to have some time with her?



Does the Chinese make all plastic products?

Does the Chinese make all plastic products?
No, the Chinese does not make all plastic products. If you search your home, or your classroom or wherever you are, look at all the plastic products and you can probably find an object that's not made in China. Some plastic products are made in India for example.

How old is George Stults?

How old is George Stults?
George Stults is 36 years old (birthdate: August 16, 1975).

My ex and I went to mediation on Tuesday and agreed to joint legaland shared physical custody. Now today I went for the child support hering...


My ex and I went to mediation on Tuesday and agreed to joint legaland shared physical custody. Now today I went for the child support hering and I think the person filled out the wrong paperwork. She listed my ex as having sole custody and went by that chart. I told her we both have shared custody and she said there was no paperwork on that. What do I do since the wrong chart raises my support a lot. I have 43 percent and she has 57 percent custody.


Apparently, what the two of you agreed to in mediation either was not reduced to writing, or if it was, the document was not given to the hearing officer. You can probably get it resolved easily by having a Consent Order entered. That is an Order that is signed by both you and your ex which sets forth the agreement and then is signed by a Judge. It would probably be best for you to obtain an attorney to accomplish this for you. Feel free to call me at 856-546-8010 to discuss your matter in more detail. Rob Gleaner


You need to provide the agreement to the mediator so that the child support can be ammended.

What causes the tensioner pulley to go bad?

What causes the tensioner pulley to go bad?
There are three sources to belt tensioner failure. The first isthrough routine wear and tear of the drive system, which isinevitable. Other failure include failure of the pulley bearingresulting in noise, and weakening of the spring loaded assemblyitself.

How many strings are on a greek lyra?

How many strings are on a greek lyra?

I live in Mississippi and was wanting to know if I could press charges of fornication on my spouse's live in boyfriend without having to pre...


I live in Mississippi and was wanting to know if I could press charges of fornication on my spouse's live in boyfriend without having to press adultery charges on my spouse?


Fortunately, it is not against the law to fornicate in Mississippi. There is a cohabitation statute, making it a misdemeanor for a man and a woman to "unlawfully cohabitate. However it is highly unlikely any prosecutor would pursue such a charge. The cohabitation statute is unconstitutional.

In new york can you register a car with a permit?

In new york can you register a car with a permit?
i am looking for an answer for this question too
please somebody answer, my guess is that we might be able to
yes you can

What does it mean when a race car is in balance?

What does it mean when a race car is in balance?
The weight is distributed evenly around the vehicle. The driver is using his gas and brake pedals effectively to maintain that balance.

I need advice and options about what to do about someone I know comitting fraud with my name and information. I want to know if there is a w...


I need advice and options about what to do about someone I know comitting fraud with my name and information. I want to know if there is a way to get them to pay their bill without them getting in any legal trouble, and if thats even possible?


Sure, hire an attorney to take care of this for you. Since there may be some liability, you really should not try to do this yourself.

Who invented the Oscars?

Who invented the Oscars?
Carol Spinell moves, invented, and talks for Oscar.

Friday, 24 April 2015

What is gamespycom?

What is gamespycom?
Gamespy.com is an info website about all videogames for all systems. there is no cheat codes that i know of, but if you want some info on any game go to gamespy.com

Do I have to continue paying child support if I signed paternity, discovered she is married and divorced while pregnant?I dated and broke up...


Do I have to continue paying child support if I signed paternity, discovered she is married and divorced while pregnant?

I dated and broke up with a woman 14 years ago. After the breakup, she came to me and said she was pregnant by me but I couldnt see the child. I filed a voluntarry paternity and agreed to pay child support for visitation. 8 years later, I did a bucal test and discovered the child was not mine. The court refused my request for a paternity test when i tried to dissolve paternity. A year later I found out that she was married while the child was conceived and divorced 4 months into her pregnancy. She never informed me, the ex-husband or the court that she was married. For 14 years, I reluctantly paid child support and now she is coming after me to get more money that I cannot afford.


Try and reopen the case based on fraud. Don't know if it will get you anywhere but you should have been suspicious when she told you that you couldn't get the child.

What was Tweedy Bird's Granny's name?

What was Tweedy Bird's Granny's name?

What are the signs of a bad head gasket?

What are the signs of a bad head gasket?
Almost always there will be oil present in the coolant ( look for white milky appearance in radiator) or will be coolant present in oil. (pull oil dipstick & look for milky appearance also)
you can also take off radiator cap & you can see air bubbles surfacing from coolant.
Finally a compression check of all cylinders will show inconsistency between any adjacent cylinders.

If a 17 year old girl's parents were to be arrested (on drug related / child abuse and endangerment charges) could she gain custody of her t...


If a 17 year old girl's parents were to be arrested (on drug related / child abuse and endangerment charges) could she gain custody of her two much younger siblings?


No. She is a minor under TX law. She could not have custody since she is legally still a child in the eyes of the State of Texas.

Which country has its own map on its flag other than Cyprus?

Which country has its own map on its flag other than Cyprus?

What are some examples of suspense?

What are some examples of suspense?
When your break into some ones house and your are looking through there stuff. Then they come in. You quietly try to find a way out but they start walking the way you are.
A lot of movies have that exact scene. Suspense is pretty much anything that builds up tension and excites you for the climax of that scene.

If someone uses your car without permission and has an accident and doesn't tell you and you get sued by the other driver, what recourse do ...


If someone uses your car without permission and has an accident and doesn't tell you and you get sued by the other driver, what recourse do you have, if any.


You absolutely want to retain counsel. Have you notified your own insurance company? It is hard to believe that someone took your car without you knowing it, you did not report it as stolen, and that you did not realize that your car was in an accident. You probably need an attorney.

Why would the lawyer who wrote my mother's will not give me a signed copy of the will I was given a copy, unsigned and unwitnessed by my sis...


Why would the lawyer who wrote my mother's will not give me a signed copy of the will I was given a copy, unsigned and unwitnessed by my sister. When I called the attorney and asked for a signed copy he asked if the copy I had listed my neice as sole beneficiary, which it did he stated that this was my mother's will. I asked if I could have a signed copy again and he again stated what you have is the copy of the will. Why would I not be able to see a copy with her signature and witnessed???


If your mother is still alive, it's her document. It should not be released by the attorney unless she directs him to do so. If she is dead, then the will would have been filed at the Probate Court and is a public record.

Was vivian dsena a model?

Was vivian dsena a model?
Yes he was a model and now even I think he is a model.

My husband is incarcerated for the next 3 years in Florida. He has outstanding bills I had no knowledge of that keep coming in. We were marr...


My husband is incarcerated for the next 3 years in Florida. He has outstanding bills I had no knowledge of that keep coming in. We were married November 2012 in NC, and he was put in jail Feb 2013. We never had a joint account. How can I protect myself against his debt? I now have to live with my parents in Virginia as I work to support our 4 month old daughter and there's no way I could make payments for him.


Already answered within last few days.

Can my FL HOA decide to not provide community-wide lawn sprinkler?There is one pump that services 120 homes through pipes that go to each lo...


Can my FL HOA decide to not provide community-wide lawn sprinkler?

There is one pump that services 120 homes through pipes that go to each lot and then to an individual's timer. Over the years people have changed their settings and overtaxed the pump. The board is thinking of no longer using that pump, removing the estimated monthly pump cost from the maintenance, and telling owners to water their own property.


Read your Documents regarding lawns.

I was trying to get into a bar this weekend using a fake ID (my name on it, different state). I'm currently 20 years old and only a couple m...


I was trying to get into a bar this weekend using a fake ID (my name on it, different state). I'm currently 20 years old and only a couple months away from turning 21. The bouncer knew it was fake and there were police officers across the street monitoring foot traffic that he waved over. I had to give them my fake ID. I was very cooperative but they wrote me up for "misinterpretation of age" and I'm supposed to receive a notice in the mail with a court date. I don't think they're charging me for a felony or misdemeanor, but what are the possible consequences of this situation? I believe from my own research this is a city ordinance violation in this case. I've heard that you can get your licence suspended. What are the chances of this happening to me? What will probably be my punishment? Should I hire an attorney. This occurred in Illinois.


There is a good chance that you may lose your drivers license. I recommend you hirevan attorney. If you would like to discuss your situation, feel free to contact me. I offer payment plans and student discounts.


You should definitely hire an attorney. You should do everything you can to keep your record clean even from a city ordinance. In addition, there is a real possibility the Secretary of State will suspend your license. Give me a call if you want help. 312 502 7877

What information is required by the police if they pull someone over without them having any identity information. Someone used my informati...


What information is required by the police if they pull someone over without them having any identity information. Someone used my information to get a traffic ticket and I want to know if just giving name, birth date, and address is sufficient information or if it is the fault of the office.



The Transportation Article requires a driver to produce his or her license card to an officer on demand. Some officers take the driver's word about who he or she is, if the driver doesn't have the license immediately available.

An experienced criminal defense attorney can help you evaluate the prosecution's case, any defenses that you might have, and any plea offer that might be made, so that you can decide whether to go to trial. Consider seeking a confidential consultation.

Does my employer still have to credit my sick and vacation time while I'm on NYS Comp


Does my employer still have to credit my sick and vacation time while I'm on NYS Comp


Not unless you go to a hearing and get the Law Judge to credit your time back. But you should know that you will only be credited at the compensation rate commensurate with your degree of disability. For instance, if your employer pays you $600 week and you have been out for 4 weeks and your doctor and the insurance company's doctor find that you were totally disabled for those weeks you would get $400 week (66.6% of your salary up to the maximum statutory rate) for 4 weeks or $1,600 back in sick time. On the other hand if your doctor finds that you are totally disabled and the insurance company's doctor found that you were not disabled and you compromised to a 50% moderate rate. You would get $200 a week for 4 weeks or $800 back in sick time.

I hope that this helps you understand compensation a little bit. Good luck with your case.

I live in Orange County Ca. I went to court on May 11th for custody and support. I told the judge beginning of may I applied for welfare. So...


I live in Orange County Ca. I went to court on May 11th for custody and support. I told the judge beginning of may I applied for welfare. So he did not make a child support order at that time being the welfare opens a case with the child support department. After court I found out i was not recieveing welfare for the children of my marriage just my older daughter. So i filled out an application with the child suppport department to try and open a case myself. Then the Child support department informed me they are terminating the case because the father recieves disability and ssi which are wages that cannot be garnished.. now what do i do to get a child support order???? Please any help appreciated


I can't believe they told you that you cannot garnish SSI or disability. You certainly can garnish it for child support or alimony.

How awesome is Eva?

How awesome is Eva?
On a scale of 1-10?

5 billion!!

What are the release dates for Studio One - 1948 The Enemy Within - 10.33?

What are the release dates for Studio One - 1948 The Enemy Within - 10.33?
Studio One - 1948 The Enemy Within - 10.33 was released on:

USA: 26 May 1958

What are the release dates for Coach - 1989 I Hate Barbara 4-7?

What are the release dates for Coach - 1989 I Hate Barbara 4-7?
Coach - 1989 I Hate Barbara 4-7 was released on:

USA: 26 November 1991

When was The Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy of Mr. Punch created?

When was The Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy of Mr. Punch created?
The Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy of Mr. Punch was created in 1994.

What are the release dates for The Phelps Minute - 2008?

What are the release dates for The Phelps Minute - 2008?
The Phelps Minute - 2008 was released on:

USA: 29 August 2008 (internet)

What are the release dates for Arby 'n' the Chief - 2007 Chaos Theosis 6-5?

What are the release dates for Arby 'n' the Chief - 2007 Chaos Theosis 6-5?
Arby 'n' the Chief - 2007 Chaos Theosis 6-5 was released on:

USA: 13 August 2011

I recently found out my dad passed away, I had been looking for him my entire life but never found him. I started looking into who got all o...


I recently found out my dad passed away, I had been looking for him my entire life but never found him. I started looking into who got all of his assets and discovered his sister took all of his money, she went and got an affidavit of successor a month after his death. Now my dad wasn't married nor did he have any other children I am the only one and he is on my birth certificate. If she has already obtained the money can I sue her since it should have gone to me? And how would they collect the money from her? I tried to talk to her civilly bit he denied everything even though I have a certified letter statig the facts.


You should definitely go see a lawyer who practices in the area of probate. A lot will depend on what she knew, when she knew it and your ability to prove paternity. Having your father's name on your birth certificate is great but paternity could still be contested. Bottom line is go see a lawyer, you could have a claim against your aunt.

What is natt wolf's middle name?

What is natt wolf's middle name?

Why are gargoyles made?

Why are gargoyles made?
Gargoyles are used mainly for decoration now but originally and still partially now they were used to divert water off of the roofs of the building so the walls don't erode, they have troughs built into the back to carry water.

I was suspended from my current position at work as Senior Operations Coordinator because other employees complained of my communication ski...

labor lawempoyment agreement with two year noncompetition. like to quit, the agreement is 5 years old


labor law

empoyment agreement with two year noncompetition. like to quit, the agreement is 5 years old


Re: labor law

You really need to take your agreement to an employment lawyer and let him or her review it. There are so many factors that go into whether the agreement is enforceable - way to many possibilities to discuss here. The short answer, however, is that if the agreement is written correctly, it is enforceable, but my experience is that most times they are not written correctly and there are other ways to avoid them.

Who is the wealthiest woman?

Who is the wealthiest woman?
Christy Walton, the widow of John T. Walton, who was a son of Sam Walton, the founder of Wal-Mart. She has an estimated net worth of $24 billion.

A drawing that captures the felling of motion is called?

A drawing that captures the felling of motion is called?
The drawing that captures the felling of motion is called a motion art .

I have just gone through a divorce. Have three houses all paid for and we are transferring ownership from one to the other. Is this form ok ...


I have just gone through a divorce. Have three houses all paid for and we are transferring ownership from one to the other. Is this form ok to use in Georgia for this purpose?


Please resubmit your question. You question is difficult to understand and we cannot see forms or other documents through this service. You should also consider speaking a Georgia real estate attorney.

Best of luck.


What "form?" How are we supposed to know what you are talking about? Either way, the answer is no. If you have no idea what you are doing (and that is clear from your question), it is only common sense to spend a few hundred dollars for a real estate lawyer to prepare and record the appropriate deeds. Are the houses worth so little that you don't care whether or not deeds are properly prepared so that you (or the other party) actually own the property?


What form? No one here has seen it?

There is NO form to do what you say, and if you did things right (which means use an attorney) the attorney has drafted things for you.

To transfer clear title in a divorce you need"

(1) A proper real estate settlement agreement filed with the divorce case (or a final decree with the same specifics.

(2) A PT-61 generated by computer

(3) A specially drafted deed (do NOT use a form) which will otherwise look like a Deed of Gift but will specifically refer to your divorce case.

Unless you want title problems later, which could be costly, this is not a pro se do it with forms project. See a lawyer (hopefully you already had one from teh divorce who is doing this for you).

How do you fix wii Black screen without sending it into nintendo?

How do you fix wii Black screen without sending it into nintendo?
You can fix Wii Black screen without sending it into Nintendo bypulling out the plugs at the back, and re inserting them.

What are elements of communication in an interview?

What are elements of communication in an interview?
the interview in general would be face to face. And, we have to answer with smile, intelligent recognizing the question.
When the interview through on line the tools are maximum available with the software provided or the method recognized by the interviewer.
So the communication elements are electronic gadgets like computers or verbal.

1) I put my about to be ex-girlfriend on the deed to my house. She has no investment in the property and does not contribute to the upkeep o...


1) I put my about to be ex-girlfriend on the deed to my house. She has no investment in the property and does not contribute to the upkeep or pay any of the bills. How do I get her off the deed.

2)Since she's on the deed how can I make her move out?


Since she is on the deed, you will have to bring an action to quiet title unless she consents to execute a deed in your favor.

You can then also seek to evict.

Time is of the essence.


Ask her to sign a quitclaim deed giving her interest in the house back to you (actually, you both would sign a quitclaim over to you). When that fails, offer to buy her out of the house. Once the deed is solely in your name again, ask her to leave and, if she refuses, file an action for ejectment (not eviction, because she isn't a paying tenant).


By adding her name to the property you just gave her half ownership of your house.


Unfortunately when you added her name to the property you gave her half ownership to the house.

What are the release dates for Frontline - 1983 Desperately Seeking Baby 5-6?

What are the release dates for Frontline - 1983 Desperately Seeking Baby 5-6?
Frontline - 1983 Desperately Seeking Baby 5-6 was released on:

USA: 3 March 1987

A rental property filed a judgment against me on a house I lived in back in 09' ,there was a lot of things wrong with the house so the landl...


A rental property filed a judgment against me on a house I lived in back in 09' ,there was a lot of things wrong with the house so the landlord basicly took what I gave for rent to keep me from moving or suing,I had moved a month after the lease was up but when I moved they files as if I was delinquent,when I applies for some apartments months later it showed on the rental history but no dollar amount was listed nor if it was a judgment or eviction,I want to move soon and I'm worried that it may be showing something different now,is that possible? Even tho it came up with no specifics before,is it a chance that it would now?



Can you keep a car on the drive without insurance?

Can you keep a car on the drive without insurance?
I would keep it in the garage but as long as you don't drive it you should be fine.

Where can people read the script for The Runaways?

Where can people read the script for The Runaways?
At script.com

What will you do if you question whether or not it is safe for you to be driving?

What will you do if you question whether or not it is safe for you to be driving?
go to the people who issue your drivers licenses and ask them to retest you

What is the horse power of a Reliant Robin car?

What is the horse power of a Reliant Robin car?
The Reliant Robin was a three wheel (one front two rear) vehicle powered by a water cooled four-cylinder 750cc engine that yielded 32 bhp and could be driven on a UK motorcycle license. Originally bought to market in 1973 the robin was made under licence by a company called B&N Plastics in July 2001, but stopped in October 2002.
Chastised as a "Plasic Pig" for its fibreglass bodywork, it was brought into the publics attention in the 1980's, as the vehicle of choice for the character 'Del boy' Trotter in the sit com "Only fools and horses".

How much do Chinese spend on cars a year?

How much do Chinese spend on cars a year?
In Dollars or Yuan?

What is a small egg shaped terra cotta wind instrument?

What is a small egg shaped terra cotta wind instrument?

What are the release dates for Introducing Dave Cook - 2011?

What are the release dates for Introducing Dave Cook - 2011?
Introducing Dave Cook - 2011 was released on:

USA: 7 June 2011 (Dances With Films Festival)

In the movie Seven Pounds what is the gift Will Smith's character goes out to get for Emily in his car?

In the movie Seven Pounds what is the gift Will Smith's character goes out to get for Emily in his car?
His dick

Hi! Thanks for taking the time to take a look at my question! I am a new lawyer in California (fingers crossed as I should receive notificat...


Hi! Thanks for taking the time to take a look at my question! I am a new lawyer in California (fingers crossed as I should receive notification of my admittance to the bar I took back in July, 2012 any day now), and am looking into my options to start my career. I was approached by a company that assists clients with immigration issues. They had expressed interest in forming a contractual agreement in which I would work as an independent contractor and advise their clients regarding all legal issues and represent these clients in court if need be; i would serve no other function within the company as would be defined in the contractual agreement. Myself, and myself alone would receive payment for the legal services I provided the clients and they would pay the company separately for all non-legal services they receive. I would have desk and private office space within the physical office building of the company I would be contracted with and would pay rent for that office space. I would have my own secure email address, fax line, telephone, and secured file storage. I would only use that office space when working with clients through this contracted arrangement and all other clients would met at a separate location, the home office of my actual practice. Though I realize that this is not a fully detailed description of the arrangement and such, I was hoping I might receive some guidance as to whether this violates any noticeable rules within the California Rules of Professional Conduct. I was particularly concerned as to if this might violate issues regarding forming a partnership with a non-lawyer, fee-splitting with a non-lawyer, issues with confidentiality, or conflict of interest issues. Thanks so much for your time. As I am just starting out as a lawyer I am trying to be extra careful as to avoid any issues that might bring me under the scrutiny of the bar association.


Jonathan A. Garza


Call the state bar ethics hotline and discuss it with them.


You can call the hotline, and they will generally give you a list of materials to research and review. That may contain the Rules of Professional Conduct, specific cases, and ethics opinions.

You are going to have to make the determination, based on your evaluation of the facts, whether the situation triggers the issues that you have identified. You have spotted the issues, but will need to go over them with factual detail.

I Worked on a persons PC and we only had a verbal agreement.. When I was done I called said person and she said you did not have the money t...


I Worked on a persons PC and we only had a verbal agreement.. When I was done I called said person and she said you did not have the money to pay for work.. I wanted 6 months calling person once a week. She came by my place one day and asked for the computer back I said no not until you pay me.. She when to the cops and I was charged with breach of trust w/fraudulent intent. I have a back group check With APPLE INC will that stop me in getting a job


Business is business and this is the kind of thing that can happen when you don't follow good business practices - even when dealing with family and friends. Further, there is definitely more to your story than you are telling. Based on the facts you presented, there is no reason for you to even be charged let alone convicted. As it stands, if you were convicted, you can most likely kiss the Apple job and virtually any other job higher than dish washer good bye. If you have not yet been convicted or if you plead guilty without the advice of an attorney - you need to see an experienced criminal attorney ASAP. You can not afford to have a conviction of that nature on your record - it will destroy your ability to get a decent job.

I recently went to a bank to cash a check for 41 dollars, and was returned (by the teller) 4100. It's been a month now and I received a phon...


I recently went to a bank to cash a check for 41 dollars, and was returned (by the teller) 4100. It's been a month now and I received a phone call from the banks special investigations, saying if they don't here back from me they will turn the information over to the police department.

I called them back and left a message saying, this is the banks error, and this is now my debt, I don't have the money anymore, and I don't have an income, so I suggest it be settled in small claims court. Is this possible?, or is there any possible way of avoiding jail? I need some comfort, because I'm a nervous wreck.


You disregarded the advice of another LawGuru attorney who told you to offer to repay the money. Stonewalling them as you did was your choice, but you didn't help yourself by flapping your gums to the bank investigator.

Do not speak to anyone especially the police. If you speak even one word to the police you will be beyond help.


Stop posting the same question over and over. The answer will not change. You spent money you knew was given to you by mistake. That is theft. You committed a felony. It is not a small claims matter, it is a criminal matter. They are offering not to prosecute if you pay them back. Whether you can and will do that or not is not a legal question. If you do not, however, you will be prosecuted for your crime. Simple as that. There is no law or legal option for changing that.

How old are Sophia Grace Brownlee and Rosie McClelland?

How old are Sophia Grace Brownlee and Rosie McClelland?
Sophia Grace is 11 years old. She was born on April 18, 2003. Rosieis 8 years old. She was born on September 7, 2006.

What form do I use to sebpeona information or records only from a person or business? This is a family law case for child custody.


What form do I use to sebpeona information or records only from a person or business? This is a family law case for child custody.


To subpena records, during the discovery part of your case, you use the form entitled "Deposition Subpoena for Production of Business Records." (Form SUBP-010) To subpena records for the trial or other hearing, you use a Civil Subpoena (Duces Tecum).

To subpena information, other than records (i.e. you want to ask a person questions), from someone who is not a party to the action, you use a Deposition Subpoena for Personal Appearance. There are different forms, depending on whether you want the person to bring documents to the deposition.

There are different rules that apply if the records are being sought from a person or entity outside of California, and there are time and place restrictions. It would be a good idea to check with an attorney.

Also, while you will complete the forms that you use, a non-attorney cannot issue the subpoenas. You will need to go to court to have the clerk issue them.

hi,me and my friend partnered in a start-up for a b-2-b website (something like alibaba.com) in august 2010. we had 50-50 partnership in x t...



me and my friend partnered in a start-up for a b-2-b website (something like alibaba.com) in august 2010. we had 50-50 partnership in x thecnologies llc.

in md usa. the deal was me working 60-70 hours a week at a pizza shop while he handles the hiring ppl for making the software till we launch the website(x.com)

it did go on for about a year me financing the company(in cash ) he searches, hires, manages people for the website programming.

After a year, couple months before we launch the site, we had an argument and he took all the data and moved to CA. he started a new company and launched the site, i had to stay in md and deal with the all the debt left (mostly in cash) in MD.

Over the time, althought i didnt have the money to hire an attorney i tried to reason with him about the dept and my share of the partnership on the new company.He asked me to hold on till he finds an investor(saying it will make impossible to find investment for a start up if it has legal issues on it)

new companies over the country he makes the deal.

As of today he turned the web site, a paid membership site and went overseas to make deals with chamber of commerce agencies which will require to build

my question, is having only a 50% partnership on X thecnologies llc (whic he said applied to close the company with the accountant without my signature or approval) and having no idea on how much the website makes right now or values (according to website value sites on net more than $800.000) what can i do to secure my investment on such a complicated situation without hurting it.

Thank you for your time and help,


The first question is whether your new business is a partnership or a limited liability company. You mention the word "partnership" extensively, but also "x thecnologies llc." So, we need to know which it is. Different laws apply to partnerships than to LLCs, and your business probably is one or the other, not both, especially at the same time.

The next question a lawyer would need to know is what state's law will apply to the dispute between the other guy and you. Sounds as though the business was formed in Maryland, so the dispute would be adjudicated under Maryland's laws; although possibly a lawsuit could be brought in California if the other party now resides here.

Perhaps the way to approach this would be to sue the friend and the new company in California, alleging breach of fiduciary duty. People who are in business together, whether they are partners in a partnership or co-founders of an LLC, have a legal duty to act in good faith toward each other and in the best interests of the joint business enterprise. Leaving and starting a competitive business is generally unlawful unless there is a good justification for dumping the prior business and ones' associate(s).

What famous people are going to the rose parade?

What famous people are going to the rose parade?
Jackie Chan..... Michelle kwan.....the tall Asian basketball player dude.....there are more but i don't remember any others right now......btw this is for the 2010 parade

What channels do you get with Charter basic cable?

What channels do you get with Charter basic cable?
It should be easy to find the answer to this question - but it seems like Charter is trying to hide this info. I had to do much searching, but finally found the link below. You have to put in your address and zip code, but then it shows you which channels are included with Basic, Expanded, Digital or HD.

For the link visit the Related Links.

How do you post your art on epilogue?

How do you post your art on epilogue?
well you cant until after its over

Does the father have the right to waive the wife rights if separated and the wife has physical custody?


Does the father have the right to waive the wife rights if separated and the wife has physical custody?


Your question makes little sense, and appears to have nothing at all to do with the category of Civil Rights law.

Describe three inventions that changed the way people traveled?

Describe three inventions that changed the way people traveled?
The sedan chair, steam locomotion and aviation.

Xarl-6271-1a how much is it worth?

Xarl-6271-1a how much is it worth?
can you tell me how much this rolling stones record is worth.

Hello.I have been put in straight probation 3rd offense DWI (Felony)for 2 years in June 2011. In TEXAS I completed. community service hours,...



I have been put in straight probation 3rd offense DWI (Felony)for 2 years in June 2011. In TEXAS

I completed. community service hours, classes and paid all fees.

I have been layoff from work since may 2011, i have been in many job interviews and had many offers, but when they found out that im in probation they are not willing to take chances with that pending on me.

Now can i go to court and ask the judge to reduce probation in order to get a job and move on with my life? Or do i have to be in probation for the whole 2 years and have no more money to live?

I do have 2 children that i care for and i need to get a job in order to feed them and pay bills.


In Texas there is no abilityto reduce probation in DWI cases. The judge could allow you to move (except to another state in some situations) and allow you to be put on mail-in reporting. He could also waive your fees. But, his hands are tied regarding the length of the probation (which, by the way, is a good deal for a felony DWI.)

Thursday, 23 April 2015

My sister and her husband along with me and my husband both a house together to live ,with all of our names on the tittle deed. When we sold...


My sister and her husband along with me and my husband both a house together to live ,with all of our names on the tittle deed. When we sold it we all sign of f , and was sold me and my husband expected some money back from the sale of our property. If been almost ten years and still haven't got anything but She manage to buy a house and left us renting one. What can I do now. I have been dumb for so long because we are family. ?


That is an incredible amount of time to wait around and not follow up on something like the sale of real property. An attorney could not even begin to advise you until the status of title was reviewed, along with any escrow instructions. It is not clear what you "signed off."


Mr. Roach is correct. Ten years is WAY past the time limits for almost any claim you might have. Pretty much anything you might have a right to would have a three or four year time limit to do anything about it.


TEN YEARS later and you are only asking now???

Any statute of limitations for legal action has long since passed, unless there are truly unique facts that would somehow 'toll' the statute.

If serious about hiring counsel to review all the documentation and 'facts' in this to see IF there is any remaining basis for your legal claim, feel free to contact me.